Obama offers a 30-day period for disclosing vulnerabilities

    US President Barack Obama, speaking to the Federal Trade Commission, suggested starting the development of legislation related to recent hacker attacks. New laws should at the state level require companies to inform their users within 30 days that their personal data is at risk as a result of an attack by hackers - the mechanism should be called Personal Data Notification.

    The main reason for such an initiative of the American president was the sensational story of hacking Sony Pictures Entertainment servers, when not only films, but also private data of employees (social security card numbers, credit card numbers, email addresses) were in the public domain. At the same time, allegedly the cause of the attack was the release of one of the Sony films, which caused indignation among the North Korean authorities, who organized - allegedly - an attack by hackers. The White House believes that there are “numerous vulnerabilities” to cyber attacks. President Obama himself says this:
    This is a direct threat to economic security, and we must stop it.

    (It is interesting to note that one of the phrases of the American president in the original sounds better than in the Russian translation: " If we are going to be connected, then we need to be protected ")

    Similar legislative acts requiring mandatory notification in case of a threat of disclosure of personal data, already exist in California, but now they are planned to be adopted nationwide.

    In addition, Obama proposed the adoption of the Student Data Privacy Act, which prohibits companies that collect data on university students using various online services from using this data for profit. Whether this concerns giants such as Facebook or Google is still unclear.

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