Create an Android Twitter App

    Hello, Habr! We bring to your attention a course in which the step-by-step creation of a Twitter client is considered.

    At the moment, the course consists of two parts. The first part of the course is completely free. The lessons are textual material, to which their video versions will gradually be laid out.

    The first part of the course is aimed at beginning developers and focuses on user interface elements and general layout principles. After completing this part, you will already receive a full-fledged application. It will look like a real Twitter, though it will only work locally.

    Android Twitter app. First part

    Lesson 0. Installing the necessary software, creating an empty project
    Lesson 1. Creating an Activity and working with LinearLayout as an example of UserInfoScreen
    Lesson 2. Working with RelativeLayout as an example of UserInfoScreen
    Lesson 3. Resources of the res / values ​​folder. Localization. AndroidManifest
    Lesson 4. Styles.xml file, getting to know TextAppearance
    Lesson 5. Attribute app: fontFamily. Using Font-Awesome to display icons
    Lesson 6. Adding libraries to the build.gradle file. Working with ImageView: adding the CircleImageView library, using the Picasso library to upload photos
    Lesson 7. Practice. Creating a Tweet List Element
    Lesson 8. Practice. Creating a user list item and a user search toolbar
    Lesson 9. Creating a POJO User object. Working with View from java code
    Lesson 10. Practice. Creating a POJO Tweet Object
    Lesson 11. Working with RecyclerView using TweetsRecyclerView as an example
    Lesson 12. Practice. UsersAdapter. Processing a click on a list item
    Lesson 13. Working with the Toolbar and menu using the UserInfoActivity example
    Lesson 14. Filling the Toolbar with nested elements on the SearchUsersActivity screen

    In the second part, you will get acquainted with the principles of interaction with real API services. You can connect to Twitter services and work with its real data! In addition, in the second part of the course, each lesson is accompanied by its video version, and individual blocks of topics end with test tasks, thanks to which you can check and consolidate your knowledge.

    Android Twitter app. Second part

    Lesson 1. Register a Twitter application, add authorization using the Twitter API
    Lesson 2. Introduction to HTTP. HttpUrlConnection, a method for reading user data
    Lesson 3. Performing a task in a background thread. AsyncTask Class
    Lesson 4. Introducing the JSON Format. Parsing JsonObject as an example of a User object
    Lesson 5. Working with Http, JSON as an example of information for a list Tweet
    Lesson 6. Practice. Adding Http Requests, Json Parsing to SearchUsersActivity Screen
    Lesson 7. Error Handling. Mapping Toast to User
    Lesson 8. Working with SwipeRefreshLayout. Showing load on requests
    Lesson 9. Using the gson library to automate parsing
    Lesson 10. Parsing a Tweet object using your own deserializer
    Lesson 11. Lambda expressions

    The course was created primarily in order to interest beginner Android developers and allow them to study the material not in a dry theory, but in pure practice. To instantly see the result of painstaking work.

    For more experienced developers who like to learn directly from the code, rather than from text or video materials, we have prepared GitHub repositories for the first and second parts of the course.

    We hope that this course will inspire young developers to develop their own applications! If you want to tighten your knowledge on other basics related to Android development, we can recommend the following courses for you:

    And we will publish new courses and materials on various technologies, stay tuned for updates on our website !

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