Working with the 1C: Enterprise configuration format
I decided to publish the C # source code for working with the 1C: Enterprise configuration format.
MdInternals understands the format of cf, cfu, epf, erf, unpacks the content into readable Xml and text files and loads it back. Allows you to programmatically access the internal files and properties of objects.
The project consists of parts:
- MdInternals programmatically refers to configuration objects and properties.
- CfProject is responsible for serializing and deserializing MdInternals objects.
- MdInternals.Cil decompiles bytecode (OpCode) 1C
- MdInternals.Serialization works with the internal semi-JSON format 1C of the form "{19 {" ", 2}}"
Upload files cf, cfu, epf, erf to disk
var cf = new CfPackage();
//или var cf = new EpfPackage();
//или var cf = new ErfPackage();
//или var cf = new CfuPackage();
var project = new CfProject();
project.Save(epf, @"D:\Config\Xml\Config.cfproj", ProjectType.Xml);
Recognized files are written to the directory tree by object type. Unrecognized are placed in the Unresolved directory:
Recognized files are uploaded in XML format. The XML format allows you to control the logical integrity of files and process files with third-party programs. Known properties are moved to the appropriate sections (attributes or tags) of the XML structure:
Read from MSSQL table
var image = ImageReader.ReadImageFromConfig(@"data source=\SQL2005;user=login;pwd=password;database=Database1C");
Accessing internal files
var mp = new EpfPackage();
var root = mp.MetadataObjects.Where(m => m.ImageRow.FileName == "root").FirstOrDefault();
var rp = new RootPointer(root.ImageRow);
var part = mp.MetadataObjects.Where(m => m.ImageRow.FileName == rp.MetadataPackageFileName.ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
Creating a file from uploaded xml-format
var project = new CfProject();
var mp = project.Load(@"D:\Config\Xml\Config.cfproj");
Cf Format Description
The cf file consists of the image header (ImageHeader) and the following pages (ImagePage1-ImagePageN). The image header consists of 4 bytes of the signature, which is 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0x7F, 4x page size bytes and 8 reserved bytes. After the header of the file are in order of the page with the data. Each previous page refers to the next.
Each page (ImagePage) consists of a page header (ImagePageHeader), a group of pointers to ImageRowPointers, and an ImageRows area.
The header of the ImagePageHeader page contains: reserved 2 bytes 0x0D 0x0A, 27 bytes of textual information, and the reserved 2 bytes 0x0D 0x0A. Text information contains 3 hexadecimal numbers: the total data size of all pages (FullSize), the size of the current page (PageSize) and the address of the next page in the file (NextPageAddress). FullSize is affixed to the first page page chain only. For the remaining pages of the thread, this value is 0. For the last page of the thread, the NextPageAddress is taken to be 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0x7F.
The block of pointers ImageRowPointers is the size specified in the PageSize value of the page. Each pointer consists of 4 bytes of the HeaderAddress header address and 4 bytes of the BodyAddress body address. At the end of each pointer is placed the signature 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0x7F. Addresses indicate locations within the current page to the ImageRows area.
The ImageRowHeader header starts with the ImagePageHeader page header block, which tells you how many bytes are allocated for the header. Next come 20 reserved bytes, a UTF-16 data identifier string (Id) and 4 reserved bytes.
The body of ImageRowBody begins with the block header of the ImagePageHeader page, which tells you how many bytes are allocated to the data body. If the data body starts at 0xEF 0xBB 0xBF (signature UTF8), then the body contains a UTF-8 string. Otherwise, the data body contains packed data. If the unpacked data starts with 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0x7F, then the contents are a sequence of objects, and they are written in CF format. Otherwise, the content is a serialization string.
What is not implemented
- The utility recognizes only configuration objects of the 1st level, placing by subdirectories. Does not recognize the rest: forms, layouts, placing in the directory Unresolved
- The Unresolved directory does not decompress composite objects with the img extension.
- MdInternals recognizes a limited number of object properties.