C ++ Russia 2018 Conference

    Hello! I hope you have missed the positive reports and communication with your colleagues, because the next C ++ Russia conference is just around the corner. This year the conference will again be held in the city of three revolutions.

    The conference will be held April 19-21 in St. Petersburg. April 19 is the day of master classes, 20-21 - the main program. Jon Kalb opens the first day of the conference. Topics of conference reports: memory, crash reports, asynchrony, software transactional memory, reflective metaprogramming, ranges, actors, Herb Sutter.

    Details under the cut.


    So, the conference will be opened by Jon Kalb: an experienced programmer, a very good speaker, organizer of CppCon and author of C ++ Today: The Beast is Back . The second day begins with a presentation by Daveed Vandevoorde, a member of the standardization committee, one of the authors of C ++ Templates: The Complete Guide .

    A section of two reports on memory will be held by Fedor Korotky and Aleksey Salmin. Both reports were presented at meetings and supplemented based on discussions. The first report is a story about how the memory is arranged, about which we often do not think at all; about the architecture of one of the most popular allocators using jemalloc as an example. The second report is devoted to the lower level: the features of mmap and madvise in linux.

    Last year, Coursera began publishing an excellent C ++ course. Ilya Shishkov, one of the authors of the course, will share his experience. The report is not only for teachers, but also for experienced programmers: sharing experience and skills is usually even more difficult than writing programs.

    I am most often asked to invite three speakers: Bjarne, Herb and Andrei. I write to them regularly, but they politely refuse. And this year Herb took pity on me (or got tired of my letters) and offered to make a report remotely. I do not like this format of reports, but in the case of it I decided to take a chance: firstly, he is a cool speaker, and secondly, it is interesting to try. So, this year we will have Herb Sutter via Skype.

    Master classes

    Four master classes will be presented at the conference. Two of them were at C ++ Russia 2017, two more new ones. The most common question about master classes: why so expensive? Last year we did master classes for the first time and decided to check how interesting they are to the participants. The price was so small because only authors fees were included in the price. We paid the rent of premises and meals from our own pockets. The workshops gathered a full house and we decided that this year you can still not make them unprofitable. Now the cost of the ticket covers the rent, meals and royalties to the author.

    Student program

    As always, we are pleased to support students in their pursuit of knowledge and communication. In order to get a discount, you need to send a photo or scan of a student / gradebook / postgraduate student to students@cpp-russia.ru

    Online tickets

    When purchasing an online ticket, you will receive an individual link and you can watch any report in real time. After the conference, video recordings of reports will be available at this link for two months.

    Your comments, suggestions, and complaints are very important to us. Email us at conf@cpp-russia.ru. We also made a general chat in a telegram . I hope he helps to resolve issues more quickly.

    See you at the conference!

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