Networks and Neighbors: Survival Methods for Machine Learning in the Wild. AI @ MIPT Open Workshop
Hello, Habr! On January 22, at 18:30, the next meeting from the cycle of seminars on artificial intelligence will be held at the PhysTech. We invite you to take a ride and get acquainted with the atmosphere of Fiztekh :) Mikhail Bilenko , head of Yandex.Machine Intelligence and Research and coordinator of the Yandex research group at MIPT, will talk about the unique differences between academic and technological machine learning. The seminar will be held in 107 classrooms of the MIPT Biocorpus, you can register here (do not forget to take a passport).
Parametric machine learning methods, such as neural networks, boosted trees, factorization methods and their combination, set the last word in machine learning benchmarks from academic standards (such as ImageNet) to Kaggle competitions . However, the use of machine learning systems in the real world differs significantly in a number of ways.
The differences between academic and technological training lead to very different optimal solutions, in comparison with those that are usually found in competitions and academic benchmarks. The discussion concerns the need to combine parametric and nonparametric models (such as modern versions of nearest neighbor algorithms). Some interesting combinations that lead to modern technological solutions in machine translation systems and dialogue systems will also be described.
Mikhail Bilenko heads the Machine Intelligence and Research division in Yandex. Teams at MIR are researching, developing, and releasing products in key areas of artificial intelligence: interactive systems, speech recognition and synthesis, machine translation, computer vision, and machine learning. Prior to Yandex, Mikhail led the Machine Learning Algorithms team at Microsoft, whose ML components were integrated into dozens of company products. Before that, he worked for seven years as a researcher at Microsoft Research, where he came after postgraduate studies at the University of Texas at Austin and internships at Google and IBM Research.
Course materials are available on the Telegram channel and the AI @ MIPT VKontakte group .
By the way, what else would you be interested to know about artificial intelligence in AI @ MIPT format?