FizTech launches online courses in higher mathematics to prepare for admission to the magistracy


    MIPT online courses in higher mathematics are intended for independent theoretical and practical preparation for admission to the master's program at FizTech and other leading technical universities.

    • Training on the courses "Mathematical Analysis - 1", "Analytical Geometry and Linear Algebra" has already been opened;
    • December 1 will be available courses "Mathematical Analysis - 2", "Differential Equations" and "Probability Theory";
    • On December 31, the courses "Theory of functions of a complex variable" and "Equations of mathematical physics" will open.

    Each of the 7 sections can be taken separately. The courses were prepared by leading MIPT teachers who are constantly involved in the educational process of students. Grigory Ivanov , Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics at MIPT, notes that this form of training will make it possible to prepare for the new educational level more effectively: “Upon admission to the magistracy for most technical specialties, it is necessary to take math. As a rule, students have to urgently repeat everything that they learned during their undergraduate studies in order to prepare for entrance exams and go to the next stage of education. Our online courses can help not only refresh knowledge of the university course in mathematics, but also take them to a deeper level, thereby preparing for further studies. At the same time, you can do this without leaving your home . ”

    To become a student of the course, you must register on the portal , and then enroll in the course.

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