We invite you to the conference YAPC :: Russia on November 4
This Saturday we invite all Perl'ovodov and their sympathizers to the annual conference YAPC :: Russia, dedicated to the language of Perl and its community. It is held in Moscow and St. Petersburg under the name May Perl, and in Kiev under the name Perl Mova.
The "metropolitan" part of the conference will be held on November 4 at the Moscow office of Mail.Ru Group. Perl professionals from different parts of the world will gather here to exchange experiences, make new friends and chat with like-minded people in an informal and pleasant atmosphere.
Meeting program
- “Batch multi-threaded image optimization on Perl” , Nikolai Lavlinsky, Method Lab . Nikolay will talk about the development of a batch image optimization system.
- “Validation of JSON data by JSON scheme in Perl using the Javascript library” , Nikolay Baryshnikov, Crazy Panda. You will find a story about how to use Duktape to run Javascript in Perl, and why it is better to write your own module rather than using a ready-made one.
- “Automatic search for duplicates in the code” , Vyacheslav Tikhanovsky, UPTOSMTH OÜ . The report talks about approaches to finding duplicates in the code, the advantages and disadvantages of each method, as well as how to use these methods in practice.
- “How to get to the top HighloadCup on Perl” , Vladimir Perepelitsa, Mail.Ru Group . Vladimir will share information on how to get the most out of Perl in a highlooking competition.
- “The Benefits of Using Moose” , Dmitry Ratkov, Dr.Web . Dmitry will tell you how to use Moose to make the code more understandable, readable, standard and predictable. The report will discuss how to work with errors and exceptions, as well as a convenient mechanism for casting types.
- «Moxie - Not for Another Moose the Clone» , Stephen Little (Stevan Little), Booking.com Amsterdam . Stephen will introduce us to Moxie, the new CPAN module that makes writing code easier, safer, and faster in object-oriented programming. Moxie is the heir to the Moose module that Stephen wrote over 10 years ago. Stephen will talk about the capabilities and advantages of Moxie in comparison with its predecessor, as well as discuss plans for the development of Moxie and their connection with improving the OOP properties of the Perl core. The report will be in English.
- “The mechanism of decorators for Perl” , Vadim Pushtaev, Mail.Ru Group . Python has a convenient and familiar mechanism for decorators. Vadim will talk about how you can achieve this in Perl.
- "Using Perl to Example AB-tests" , Nikolay Baryshnikov, Crazy Panda . Nikolay will talk about a practical example of using the Perl language for AV tests.
- “What's New in Perl 6” , Andrey Shitov, DeepText Media . Andrew will share information on the innovations of Perl 6: better Unicode support, parallel computing, functional and reactive programming.
Participation in the conference is free, just remember to register . We are waiting for you!
Collection of guests: at 10.00. The beginning of the reports: 11.00.
Address: Moscow, Leningradsky Prospect, 39, p. 79 (metro "Airport").