Happy End - mailboxes on Qip.ru portal domains moved to Yandex

    Hi, Habr!

    I think that a small but important update to my publication “ Take your data, untie your mail and run with qip.ru ” deserves a separate topic. Habrayuser edyatl drew my attention to the following ad, which appeared on the main page qip.ru:

    The current owners of the QIP portal for some reason, known only to them, eventually decided to simply transfer all mail accounts to the mail for Yandex.

    Just go to the Yandex authorization page, enter your email address with QIP.ru, as in the screenshot, and password:

    And voila, after a small re-registration, your letters and access to receive new ones are under your control again. Unfortunately, there is no information how long domains will be parked at Yandex. Therefore, use the new chance with benefit to save your data and linked accounts.

    What will happen to the rest of the QIP portal services has not yet been announced.

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