Russian students are expected at the international competition of Microsoft in AI

    We announce the launch of the International The Next AI Guardian competition for students. It will be held in 27 countries of the world, including Russia. The main goal of the competition is to propose solutions based on artificial intelligence, which will help to change the sphere of education for the better. The winners will receive a unique opportunity to attend three-day intensive courses on artificial intelligence in Warsaw, where they will be trained by leading experts in this field - including Microsoft engineers and the company's largest partners.

    This article is on our news portal.

    To take part in the competition, you need to assemble a team of four people and a researcher. After that, you need to register on the site and before January 4 to offer the idea of ​​the project in a video format.

    Until January 11, the jury will select the most promising ideas. After that, the teams will have a month and a half to prepare a demo version and a description of their projects and present them to the jury in early March. The five best teams from all over the world will travel to Warsaw (Poland), where they will present their decisions at the global final on April 11-13. They will take their place in the Hall of Fame Artificial Intelligence.

    The guys from the Microsoft Developer Community @msdevru, the Microsoft Developer community channel for developers and anyone interested in new technologies helped us prepare this article .

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