It's time to kill C #
Let's be honest, and put up with a number of facts:
1. We have a specific market in Russia and only 5% of the tasks from this market need high productivity, all the main load will always be on the database.
2. We live in 2017 and having 4-8GB of RAM is considered a reasonable minimum for the user, if a person uses the Nokia 3310, then it’s stupid to complain about Yandex cards not working.
3. 90 - 95% of the tasks in our market, these are primitive applications by type:
- To get data
- Send data
- Edit data
- Visualize data.
- Calculate data
4. The ultimate goal of a business is money, remember that we are writing code not for ourselves, but for solving business problems.
Why are C # Developers no longer needed in 2018?
- Applications are not cross-platform, the employer needs to hire additional personnel in order to be able to at least somehow compete in the application market. If you do not, then your competitor will do it.
- You can’t make a beautiful application that can be sold in 2018.
- The visual part of C # WPF suffers when you need to do something beyond the scope of the set of standard components, something adaptive and interactive begins to be a complete horror with a period of months, when a web developer will solve this problem in a couple of days, if not hours, absolutely any design in deadlines.
What I propose to the Leaders
I want to offer you to forget about the old-fashioned NET Developers, I want to remind you that you are not Google and most likely you are solving simple problems. You do not need the genius of optimization, we live in 2017.
It’s not profitable for you to write a code that occupies 10 MB of RAM, you are beneficial for the person who will bring more money to your business and write this code faster than a C # developer, sometimes you can donate 10% of RAM, but get + 20 000 000 in pocket.
Who will solve this problem?
This task will be solved by a JavaScript developer, maybe he can’t write 200kb servers that fit on a microcontroller, but he can bring money and make the product work quickly, beautifully, reliably and most importantly on all platforms .
Already today you can write applications in JavaScript and get IOS + Android + Unix + Window applications at the output at no extra cost. You can’t write 3D games, of course, but you can solve the problems of 95% of the market that were described above without problems.
Answer popular questions
Question: JS curve, without wrappers it is bad
Answer: We make money, we don’t dispute who declares a variable, this dispute will be infinite, the “wrapper” solves this problem, the setup takes 5 minutes, in a few years it will all available out of the box.
Question: You do not have an architecture and you cannot build large-scale projects.
Answer: You can know how to do this - a web developer knows.
Question: JS is slow, it is difficult to do any calculations on it.
Answer: Yes, but your business is not developing a 3D editor? Let me remind you that you need to earn money, and not brag about how many lines of code your product takes. Even if you have to solve complex problems, you can always connect the C ++ programmer module through WASM.
Question: I hired a JS specialist for 50,000 rubles, and he does not know anything.
Answer: He was not a specialist, it was Junior.
Question: JS will die in 5 years, followed by Node.js and Electron
Answer: to overthrow JS from the throne, you need to completely change the entire Internet, you need to rewrite Google, you need to create completely new protocols, you need to change all people and all technologies, and only then can you create an alternative to JS. WASM, which everyone prays for, will give JS a huge boost in a couple of years, and JS can be used in that 5% share of the business where the JS Developer’s foot has never gone before, for example web photoshop, but my post is not about these tasks.
Question: what about WASM, it will kill JavaScript
Answer: This is not a replacement for JS, it’s just an improvement, many are tired of the fact that they can’t create such products as Photoshop in the browser and have created WASM, I remind you that C ++ libraries can be integrated into PHP to solve critical tasks requiring high speed are also done in JS.
Let's imagine for a second that C ++ C # will create a framework that will compete with React and Angular, just fantasize.
- And why only C ++ and C #, other languages will also want to do this, even PHP.
- Why is React and Angular bad? Speed? Who forbids react and angular to rewrite critical sections of code on wasm?
- Each language will have 2-4 frameworks, the community in them will be very weak, I think you understand what this will lead to and who will still occupy leading positions.
- Few people will want to understand the intricacies of the web, think C ++ programmers will run to create forms for sites?
- Nobody wants to learn JS and CSS, but they will have to learn.
- "Write sites in any language" - you can already today, in many languages you can generate JS code using your favorite language, but for some reason nobody needs it and nobody uses it.