How to scale down databases in Yandex. Cloud without downtime. Three hosts example

  • Tutorial
The post was prepared by the members of the Yandex.Oblaka team: Ivan Vetksov - architect, Leonid Klyuev - editor

Recently, we talked about the architecture of Yandex. Oblaka. Now let's move from theory to practice. There are several services in the Cloud for automated DBMS control: Managed Service for ClickHouse, Managed Service for PostgreSQL and Managed Service for MongoDB. All of them are platform-based and allow you to focus on the task of storing data, and not on administering the infrastructure. But sometimes it is important to control the cluster virtual machines as well. For example, a scaling problem may arise in response to an increase or decrease in load. Usually this scenario is one of the most time consuming from a practical point of view. Today we will tell how Yandex.Oblako allows you to automate complex scaling tasks, and make sure that the database remains available during the process of changing the size of the cluster.

Formulation of the problem

When creating a cluster of each service, the user can determine the number of cluster hosts and the availability zone (availability zone, AZ), which corresponds to the physical data center. Yandex.Oblako currently uses three Yandex data centers located in the central region of Russia. Therefore, the recommended configuration is a cluster of a DBMS with three hosts - as the most consistent with the principles of building a fault-tolerant and disaster-resistant architecture.

So, let us imagine a situation where the load on the database cluster has exceeded the capabilities of the base and it is time to add computing resources. This can be done both horizontally - by adding hosts to the cluster, and vertically - by adding resources to each cluster machine. Consider the second option, as the most time-consuming and risk-prone error. Why is this option laborious? Because in the general case, the procedure for adding resources will look like this: switching the role of the host; if necessary, stop the DBMS; turn off the virtual machine; change its configuration; we start; change the parameters of the DBMS; run the DBMS; waiting for the synchronization of the accumulated data changes. And so for all three hosts in turn. Many steps - the risk of a mistake is high. You can automate this process - only before starting the selected automation solution must be tested. Usually there is not enough time for testing, but in Yandex. Cloud it runs quickly and without unnecessary actions on your part. Let's get started

Preliminary steps and testing process

For preparation we will need:

  • Access to the platform. Now, anyone can set up a trial period on the site on Yandex . Obscure .
  • The cloud network (I will call it testvpc in my example) and three subnets located in different AZ. The address ranges of subnets in this case are not important.
  • Bastion host. Despite the fact that in Yandex. Oblak you can open external access to the database through a public IP, publishing a publicly accessible database is not the right solution. Therefore, we will add to the scheme a bastion host, from which we will open connections to the hosts. As such a host, you can use a machine with a partial (5 percent) use of the kernel. On the virtual machine, you must install clickhouse-client . In addition, according to the instructions for connecting to the service, you need to download an SSL certificate.
  • CLI. We will work with Yandex. Oblakom not via the console, but through the command line utility, which must also be installed and initiated according to the documentation .

The test script will be simple: we open three sessions connecting the bastion host to each host of the database cluster, run a SQL query in a loop with a period of, say, 1 second, after which we send the command to scale the cluster and look at the behavior of the system.

Moment of truth

Choose a DBMS to demonstrate scaling. In PostgreSQL, hosts are assigned roles, but the service does not yet have their transparent switching when scaling - this functionality is in our plans. As for the rest, the mechanics of cluster expansion and reduction are approximately the same in the case of all three DBMSs, for example, let's take ClickHouse.

Let's create an experiment object - a cluster consisting of three hosts located in different virtual subnets. To do this, we introduce a command
yc managed-clickhouse cluster createwith the necessary arguments. The order of the arguments corresponds to their listing in the “yc --help” output. The essence of the command is simple: we create a ch-to-resize cluster in the production environment with the testvpc virtual network, set a name and password, 10 gigabytes of disk space and a minimum class of s1.nano. The following characteristics correspond to this class: 1 CPU, 4 GB RAM. In the future, for scaling, we move on to the class s1.micro, so that the number of CPU and RAM doubled. To find out what other classes of hosts you can assign, just enter the command
yc managed-clickhouse resource-preset list.

Thus, the team to create a cluster should be as follows:

yc managed-clickhouse cluster create --name ch-to-resize --environment production --network-name testvpc --host zone-id=ru-central1-a,subnet-id=e9bfnjacigdo9p6j7j2s,assign-public-ip=false,type=clickhouse --host zone-id=ru-central1-b,subnet-id=e2l8iamol3b9mrtskb8q,assign-public-ip=false,type=clickhouse --host zone-id=ru-central1-c,subnet-id=b0c6qit7u9e8r0egedvj,assign-public-ip=false,type=clickhouse --user name=test,password=test123123 --database name=testdb --clickhouse-disk-size 10 --clickhouse-resource-preset s1.nano --clickhouse-disk-type network-nvme –async

In response, we get the cluster ID and the list of hostnames of its hosts:

yc managed-clickhouse cluster list
|          ID          |     NAME     |         CREATED AT          | HEALTH | STATUS  |
| c9q7cr4ji2fe462qej8p | ch-to-resize | 2018-12-10T08:59:09.100272Z | ALIVE  | RUNNING |
yc managed-clickhouse host list --cluster-id c9q7cr4ji2fe462qej8p
|                   NAME                    |      CLUSTER ID      | HEALTH  |    ZONE ID    |
| | c9q7cr4ji2fe462qej8p | ALIVE   | ru-central1-a |
| | c9q7cr4ji2fe462qej8p | UNKNOWN | ru-central1-a |
| | c9q7cr4ji2fe462qej8p | ALIVE   | ru-central1-b |
| | c9q7cr4ji2fe462qej8p | UNKNOWN | ru-central1-b |
| | c9q7cr4ji2fe462qej8p | UNKNOWN | ru-central1-c |
| | c9q7cr4ji2fe462qej8p | ALIVE   | ru-central1-c |

Open a connection to each host and run a query to the database:

clickhouse-client --host --secure --user test --password test123123 --database testdb --port 9440 -q "select concat(host_name, ' is alive\!') from system.clusters where replica_num = 1"
clickhouse-client --host --secure --user test --password test123123 --database testdb --port 9440 -q "select concat(host_name, ' is alive!') from system.clusters where replica_num = 2"
clickhouse-client --host --secure --user test --password test123123 --database testdb --port 9440 -q "select concat(host_name, ' is alive\!') from system.clusters where replica_num = 3"

Finally, send a request to increase the cluster:

yc managed-clickhouse cluster update --id c9q7cr4ji2fe462qej8p --clickhouse-resource-preset s1.micro -–async

Explanation of the case of a reduced cluster

Если мы хотим уменьшить, а не увеличить объем ресурсов, то нужно указать меньший класс, сверившись с выводом
yc managed-clickhouse resource-preset list — например, s1.nano. При этом структура самой команды остается такой же.

I redirected requests to the file. Here is an abbreviated listing:
Mon Dec 10 12:47:35 UTC 2018 is alive!
Mon Dec 10 12:47:36 UTC 2018 is alive!
Mon Dec 10 12:47:37 UTC 2018 is alive!
Mon Dec 10 12:47:38 UTC 2018 is alive!
Mon Dec 10 12:47:39 UTC 2018 is alive!
Mon Dec 10 12:47:40 UTC 2018 Code: 209. DB::NetException: Timeout: connect timed out: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:47:51 UTC 2018 Code: 209. DB::NetException: Timeout: connect timed out: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:48:02 UTC 2018 Code: 209. DB::NetException: Timeout: connect timed out: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:48:11 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:48:12 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:48:13 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:48:14 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:48:15 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:48:16 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:48:17 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:48:18 UTC 2018 is alive!
Mon Dec 10 12:48:19 UTC 2018 is alive!
Mon Dec 10 12:48:20 UTC 2018 is alive!
Mon Dec 10 12:50:58 UTC 2018 is alive!
Mon Dec 10 12:50:59 UTC 2018 is alive!
Mon Dec 10 12:51:00 UTC 2018 is alive!
Mon Dec 10 12:51:01 UTC 2018 Code: 209. DB::NetException: Timeout: connect timed out: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:51:12 UTC 2018 Code: 209. DB::NetException: Timeout: connect timed out: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:51:23 UTC 2018 Code: 209. DB::NetException: Timeout: connect timed out: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:51:34 UTC 2018 Code: 209. DB::NetException: Timeout: connect timed out: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:51:35 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:51:36 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:51:37 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:51:38 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:51:39 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:51:40 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:51:41 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:51:42 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:51:43 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:51:44 UTC 2018 is alive!
Mon Dec 10 12:51:45 UTC 2018 is alive!
Mon Dec 10 12:51:46 UTC 2018 is alive!
Mon Dec 10 12:49:15 UTC 2018 is alive!
Mon Dec 10 12:49:16 UTC 2018 is alive!
Mon Dec 10 12:49:17 UTC 2018 is alive!
Mon Dec 10 12:49:18 UTC 2018 is alive!
Mon Dec 10 12:49:19 UTC 2018 Code: 209. DB::NetException: Timeout: connect timed out: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:49:30 UTC 2018 Code: 209. DB::NetException: Timeout: connect timed out: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:49:41 UTC 2018 Code: 209. DB::NetException: Timeout: connect timed out: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:49:52 UTC 2018 Code: 209. DB::NetException: Timeout: connect timed out: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:49:56 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:49:57 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:49:58 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:49:59 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:50:00 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:50:01 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:50:03 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:50:04 UTC 2018 Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused: (,
Mon Dec 10 12:50:05 UTC 2018 is alive!
Mon Dec 10 12:50:06 UTC 2018 is alive!
Mon Dec 10 12:50:07 UTC 2018 is alive!

Listing shows the moments when each host of the cluster is turned off (when connect time out starts), the moments when the host is turned on and ClickHouse starts loading (when the connection refused starts), as well as moments when the host returns to the system. The most important thing is the separation of time periods when the hosts were unavailable. As long as the scaling went on, at least two hosts were available for querying. This can be seen on the chart:


Conclusions and best practices

At first glance, the development of projects with databases includes a large amount of routine work. The database needs to be maintained, that is, backed up, adjusted to the process of regularly updating the DBMS, etc. Cloud management services appeared primarily to remove these time consuming functions from you. However, in a real production-environment, it is useful that the systems are not only manageable from the point of view of maintenance, but also flexible - responsive to the rise and fall of the load. We told how to increase the performance of the database in Yandex.Oblak, while preserving the performance of the project for users. If the base is configured correctly, then with the growth of traffic there is an increase in the volume of available resources, and during a decline - a multiple decrease, which also reduces your costs.

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