A few simple teamwork recommendations.

    Several teamwork recommendations that can preserve nerve cells of all in difficult moments. It happens so much work that some moments are forgotten. Therefore, it is important to create a checklist, if only for yourself, in order to be able to quickly return to the effective state of a good Team Player. Under the recommendations of the cut, which brought to himself.

    What you should do:

    1. To make rally notices. Make notes on meetings where objectives, goals and strategy were discussed. It seemed that there was no meeting without notice, people come out with different conclusions and visions and think that everything is on the same wavelength.
    2. Clarify responsibility. Responsibilities and tasks of each in the team should be clearly understood. There is nothing worse if people do the same thing because someone has forgotten, or worse, ignored another team member. Before the start of the task, it is necessary to determine who does what, do not rely on people's awareness.
    3. To clarify a common vision. After completing your own tasks, you need to have a clear idea of ​​the next steps. This vision needs to be regularly communicated to the whole team.

    What not to do:

    1. Hurry. If the task is not your own and is done by others, even if the decision is obvious for you, do not say that we are ready to complete it, push people to make a decision, etc. At such times, others may feel pressure or haste.
    2. Resist. When you get tired, the field of view narrows. Even if the task is critical, it is not worth it to sit until midnight.
    3. Isolate. Even if you are in the stream and are just about to add everything, it is important to switch. Working too long in isolation leads to a loss of vision and mistakes in priorities. The longest work without switching and especially, without result - 4 hours. After that, it is necessary to discuss with someone that there is no progress and the next steps.
    4. Do not impose. When you are more for the project, are worried about the quality, you may feel that you can be useful. But people themselves must ask for help.
    5. Do not point out errors. It is worth pointing out mistakes only when something really is done and non-interference will lead to bad consequences.

    What would you add from your experience to these rules?

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