We were asked about it, and now the time has come.
Mobius Conference on Mobile Development , which has been successfully held in St. Petersburg for a long time, will come to Moscow for the first time
on November 11 . The need for this is clearly overdue: this spring, conducting the fourth St. Petersburg Mobius, we found that about a third of all spectators were Muscovites.
What can you expect from the first metropolitan Mobius? The names of the speakers and other details are under the cut.
What to expect

The format of the conference will be generally the same as in St. Petersburg. Firstly, both Android and iOS are widely represented in the program (there are reports on cross-platform development on Mobius, but most of them are dedicated to native).
Secondly, emphasis on technical specificity for specialists - instead of abstract reasoning, marketing speeches, reports for beginners and the like. At the same time, the reports vary in complexity (from the introduction to a certain technology for those who have not worked with it before, to the hardcore, which requires deep knowledge from the viewer), and the notation in the program helps to choose suitable performances:

Thirdly, discussion zones. Usually the questions after the report are strictly limited in time: there are a few minutes, and then the time comes to empty the room. In our case, this is not limited to every speaker after his speech moves to a specially designated area where interested listeners can continue to communicate with him longer.
Among the Mobius themes will be "eternal", and relevant right now. Among the eternal ones that are of interest to us are:
- Design Patterns
- Architecture (at least Android, where Google recently rolled out the “official” approach , at least iOS)
- "Reactivity"
- Reducing the development cycle (hot redeply on the device, optimization of build scripts, emulators, testing approaches).
But the “fresh” ones that interest us (if you yourself have something to tell about this, see the section “Become a speaker” below):
- New Android O
- Kotlin best practices. Topics like “what's new in Kotlin” and “how coroutines work” were already widely disclosed - now it is time to learn to write well on it. Therefore, we are interested in the experience of using Kotlin in production.
- Similar to Swift best practices. There have already been a lot of “theoretical” reports about the language; the community is waiting for the analysis of real life examples.
- Machine Learning: Google has announced a lightweight version of TensorFlow for use on a mobile device, but is it so easy to use it now?

Work on the program is currently underway, so later the list of speakers will become much longer, and some of the following can still “fall off”. But from this preliminary list, it is quite possible to make a general impression of what to expect at all:
Denis Neklyudov (90Seconds) is a “veteran” of the conference and the holder of the honorary status of Google Developer Expert. This spring, Mobius in St. Petersburg was especially active in discussing architecture - and one of the reasons for this was Denis’s speech with Stepan Goncharov, “A Modern Approach to the Architecture of Android Applications”.
David González- but this famous android driver, unlike Denis, had not performed on Mobius before. But with Denis he is similar in another: firstly, he also has the title of GDE, and secondly, he will also talk about architecture on Mobius - it will be interesting to compare their reports.
Alexander Zimin (Uberchord GmbH) is also a prominent speaker, but not on Android, but on iOS. Winner of the WWDC 2015 Scholarships program, taught the first Swift courses in Russia, the organizer of CocoaHeads Russia - you can list his services for a long time. We still can’t announce the topic of his new report, but we can recall the previous one: at Mobius 2017 Piter he talked about measuring UX in an iOS application.
Matvey Malkov - in 2015, his report on reactive programming for Android hit the
top lecturesMobius 2015 is estimated by viewers. In 2016, developing the theme of reactivism, Matvey again appeared
in the top with her , and also made a presentation on the use of Scala in Android. He missed the Mobius 2017 Piter, but he will be in Moscow - so in 2017, Muscovites were more fortunate with him than Petersburgers.
Maxim Sokolov (Avito), whose report “Advanced Swift Generics - move on
»Last year became a favorite of the audience at St. Petersburg Mobius. Now Maxim, developing the messenger in Avito, has gained even more experience working with Swift - and will share this experience on the new Mobius.
Aleksander Piotrowski , a Polish speaker who talked about ConstraintLayout in Petersburg's Mobius, was then grateful that we did not mind using this photo of him: “Some conferences, when I send it, are asked to send some other one. I don’t understand why they didn’t like my forehead? ”In general, we are waiting for Alexander in autumn in Moscow with his forehead hiding a lot of knowledge about Android.
Igor Kashkuta(Badoo) has performed at Mobius twice already (with the themes “Leaning Tower of Mobile Development” and “iOS Application Development Process”), and for the second time, the audience was significantly more enthusiastic. Working at Badoo should provide a lot of material for the new report in Moscow - we will try to make the audience like it even more.
Alexey Denisov (Uberchord GmbH) - last time he talked about mutational testing. The topic of the new speech is not yet announced, but when a speaker appears at a mobile conference immersed in the world of low-level programming and knowing firsthand about technologies like LLVM, this is interesting anyway.
Jonathan Levinat Mobius 2017, Piter made two presentations at once: “IPC: AIDL is not a curse word” immersed in technical details, and the closing keynote “How to make a product from your application” was designed for everyone. The audience liked both performances, and it would be foolish not to call Jonathan again. Now he still does not know exactly his travel schedule and has not yet confirmed his participation, but we hope that the loud voice of the community will make Jonathan find time in his busy schedule (and you can contribute to this, for example, in the comments).
Become a speaker

If you also want to see your name in the list of speakers, now is the time to submit a report to us ! Our strict program committee includes only really good performances in the program, but the same committee also helps the speakers to bring their promising developments to an appropriate level - therefore, even if you do not have the relevant experience, but have an interesting topic, do not be afraid to contact.
And if you have experience, refer to the video recordings of reports that you made earlier, and this will greatly accelerate the decision of the program committee.
The main requirement is one: your report should be useful to other developers.
Program and registration
The conference program will be gradually replenished, and you can monitor its most current status on the site . And now the sale of tickets is open on this site - and over time their price will increase, so now you can manage to purchase it on the most favorable conditions. We look forward to in November!