Overview of the main sections of the conference PG Day'17 Russia
Friends, the PG Day'17 Russia conference, which we are holding for the fourth time in St. Petersburg, will take place very soon, on July 5-7. Every year we grow and expand. This year we made an event dedicated to databases in the broad sense of the word.
A week ago, the full conference schedule was published . The event is expected to be very eventful: a school day , which includes 11 master classes; Greenplum Day - a free event dedicated to the analytic platform of the same name from our partners Dell / EMC and Pivotal; two days of presentations - over 60 performances in six sections.
Ahead of the conference with hydrobiontWe have compiled for you a selection of the most vivid and memorable performances.

Interesting reports will be enough for everyone. Developers will like the speeches of experts from Data Egret. Max Boguk is a specialist of a unique level, he does not need a database to figure out how the optimizer will work. Max will share his superpowers in his report " Non-classical techniques for query optimization in PostgreSQL, or how to teach an elephant to dance rock and roll ." To understand what exactly awaits you at Max's report, I invite you to watch the 2014 presentation , with which Max spoke at one of our meetings, called PG Master.
Alexey Ermakov, Max's Data Egret partner, has an equally frightening body of knowledge on the internal structure of PostgreSQL engines. Deep technical reports of Lesha were in great demand on past PG Day. This year, Alexey will bring an interesting technical report about the internal structure of the PostgreSQL query scheduler . To appreciate the depth of Alexei’s immersion in technical details, I invite you to familiarize yourself with the transcription of his report on one of the past PG Day.
Specially to please all admins and devops, a star landing from Zalando comes to us : Alexander Kukushkin, Alexey Klyukin and Murat Kabilov. In the framework of two reports, colleagues will share their successful experience in operating PostgreSQL as a cloud platform. Every day, Zalando faces a unique challenge: how to combine dozens of disparate teams working on the development of numerous components of a huge business, without the need to require the same technology stack from each of them. Answer: a single platform for data storage . It's no secret that developers love the clouds for the lack of the need for manual database management. Zalando experts decided not to swim against the tide, accepted the need for an efficient cloud platform, and wrote some of their tools to facilitate the efficient operation of Posgres on Amazon AWS. The guys will share their experience in two reports: "PostgreSQL "cubed": Kubernetes for highly available database at Zalando "and" the PostgreSQL on the AWS: Tips & Tricks (and horror stories) . "
The company Ispirer Systems will present a very interesting report, which will be interesting to all colleagues from Ispirer Systems argue that. efficient automation of SQL migration and application code is possible ! On PG Day, the company's specialists will present a solution that automatically converts business logic, both SQL objects and application code. Come listen and debate :-)
The peak of the import substitution trend has come and gone. Prolonged disputes subsided, and all interested companies, forcedly or voluntarily, quietly move in a new direction for them. Have you ever wondered what Posgres now lives in a bloody enterprise? This is exactly what Anton Bushmelev will tell about in his eponymous report, Bloody Enterprise, or How We Tamed an Elephant . RT Labs, a division of Rostelecom, has been successfully using PostgreSQL in new projects for the second year. Anton will share the experience of introducing him on PG Day.
Extreme load on the DBMS is a standard situation in the life of developers and administrators from the Avito team. Operational experience will come to share Viktor Yagofarov, Dba company. In the report you will find a story about the internal device and the secrets of pgBouncer , tuning under high loads, providing fault tolerance and many other secrets of one of the most popular connection poolers in the PostgreSQL world.

This year we expanded the conference theme and invited professionals working with popular commercial and open DBMSs to the event. We will tell you a little about the most interesting speeches dedicated to Oracle and MS SQL Server, which are worth a visit both to the congressists and colleagues from the Enterprise world.
The most important report in this section will be presented by Victor Egorov , DBA from Data Egret. Based on his experience working with both PostgreSQL and Oracle, Victor will holdA comparative overview of the architecture of both bases . The report will be divided into several sections devoted to specific architectural solutions: working with memory , processes , versioning and data storage . The report will be interesting to many. PostgreSQL users can look at another DBMS, its features and capabilities, some of which can be implemented in PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL developers may come up with ideas about the future direction of development of Postgres. On the other hand, all Oracle users will be able to evaluate the capabilities of an open DBMS. This is especially true for representatives of organizations reflecting on migration.
All fans of "hardcore" we also have something to please. Experts fromтехнологического центра Deutsche Bank готовят целых три крутых технических доклада. Дмитрий Ремизов преподаст урок по анатомии курсора, Николай Кудинов расскажет о трассировке пользовательских процессов и минимизации ожиданий, а Александр Халухин проведет практический мастер-класс по диагностике производительности Oracle Database.
Не оставили мы без внимания и специалистов по MS SQL Server. Независимый консультант Илья Вербицкий на примере системы безопасности SQL Server 2016 расскажет о наболевшем: как ограничивать доступ к данным и создавать безопасное окружение для функционирования вашего бизнеса. For all specialists who want to increase their level of knowledge of MS SQL Server, Konstantin Taranov , a specialist at one of Gazprom’s divisions, will conduct an intensive crash course called “ SQL Server in One Day ” designed to help you learn how to efficiently use this product.
The following issues will be considered during the master class:

This year, PG Day Russia will also host for the first time a section of open databases other than PostgreSQL. The selection of reports to this section in the Program Committee of the conference was supervised by the Director General of Perkona Peter Zaitsev . What interesting awaits you in this section?
First of all, these are three serious technical reports from Percona about the internal structure of MySQL and MongoDB:
Amazing use-case was brought by colleagues of their IT department of MTS . It turns out that the solution for a centralized system for managing balances, meters, subscribers' batteries in real time, built on the basis of MySQL Cluster , has been in operation by MTS for about a year and continues to develop. Curious? And to us, too, come listen together :-)
At PG Day, you can first-hand learn the nuances of ElasticSearch and MongoDB . Philipp Krenn and Henrik Ingo , experts from Elastic and MongoDB will come to visit us.. During the conference, colleagues will hold master classes, reports and seminars on the development of their companies. Philipp's lecture and workshop will focus on internal organization and examples of organizing full-text searches using Elasticsearch. Henrik talks about the architecture of the new replication engine and teaches several lessons for efficiently organizing applications using MongoDB.
We did not pass by domestic developments either. You are waiting for detailed stories about Clickhouse from Alexei Milovidov and Tarantool from Vasily Soshnikov . We would like to note that Vasily’s performance will be a separate master class, within the framework of which you will learn how to build an effective microservice architecture designed for high loads, similar to what already exists and operates in the "production" of large companies: Beeline, Avito, Mail.ru, etc.
And finally, you will have a great opportunity Compare NoSQL features in PostgreSQL and MySQL , which Oleg Bartunov and Peter Zaitsev will talk about, respectively!

The section opens with an impressive report on the development of a new system for storing attachments from Mail.Ru mail letters . How to properly accept, store and not lose 80,000 files per minute , says Andrey Sumin, technical director of the service.
Nikolay Sivko , former HeadHunter Operations Manager and co-founder of OKMeter domestic monitoring , will tell you how to diagnose various “everyday” problems of postgres operation in “production”. A practical look at monitoring is offered by Anton Shalimov , developer of Aviasales . Anton flies from sunny Thailand specifically to share with you his experience in building a platform for collecting, storing and monitoring on the basis of the InfluxDB DBMS .

For all participants of PG Day'17 Russia, the conference team together with Pivotal and Dell / EMC will organize a free Greenplum Daydedicated to Greenplum, an open source analytics and Data Warehousing platform based on PostgreSQL. Large companies such as Rostelecom and Tinkoff Bank will share their operating experience.
You will find several detailed technical reports on the device, operation and methods of using Greenplum. Heikki Linnakangas , one of the leading developers of the platform and PostgreSQL itself, will give a detailed overview of the platform architecture. Business representatives will be interested in the opportunity to talk with colleagues from flagship companies implementing Greenplum , to learn first-hand how the use of the platform contributed to the growth of the quality of decisions made on the basis of the collected analytical information.
The event will be held on July 5, from 10:00 to 19:00, the day of the workshops. To register for Greenplum Day, it is enough to register using the form on the page https://pgday.ru/en/greenplumday . Entrance for all registered participants is free .
We invite everyone to participate! Registration will be open before the start of the event.
A week ago, the full conference schedule was published . The event is expected to be very eventful: a school day , which includes 11 master classes; Greenplum Day - a free event dedicated to the analytic platform of the same name from our partners Dell / EMC and Pivotal; two days of presentations - over 60 performances in six sections.
Ahead of the conference with hydrobiontWe have compiled for you a selection of the most vivid and memorable performances.

Interesting reports will be enough for everyone. Developers will like the speeches of experts from Data Egret. Max Boguk is a specialist of a unique level, he does not need a database to figure out how the optimizer will work. Max will share his superpowers in his report " Non-classical techniques for query optimization in PostgreSQL, or how to teach an elephant to dance rock and roll ." To understand what exactly awaits you at Max's report, I invite you to watch the 2014 presentation , with which Max spoke at one of our meetings, called PG Master.
Alexey Ermakov, Max's Data Egret partner, has an equally frightening body of knowledge on the internal structure of PostgreSQL engines. Deep technical reports of Lesha were in great demand on past PG Day. This year, Alexey will bring an interesting technical report about the internal structure of the PostgreSQL query scheduler . To appreciate the depth of Alexei’s immersion in technical details, I invite you to familiarize yourself with the transcription of his report on one of the past PG Day.
Specially to please all admins and devops, a star landing from Zalando comes to us : Alexander Kukushkin, Alexey Klyukin and Murat Kabilov. In the framework of two reports, colleagues will share their successful experience in operating PostgreSQL as a cloud platform. Every day, Zalando faces a unique challenge: how to combine dozens of disparate teams working on the development of numerous components of a huge business, without the need to require the same technology stack from each of them. Answer: a single platform for data storage . It's no secret that developers love the clouds for the lack of the need for manual database management. Zalando experts decided not to swim against the tide, accepted the need for an efficient cloud platform, and wrote some of their tools to facilitate the efficient operation of Posgres on Amazon AWS. The guys will share their experience in two reports: "PostgreSQL "cubed": Kubernetes for highly available database at Zalando "and" the PostgreSQL on the AWS: Tips & Tricks (and horror stories) . "
The company Ispirer Systems will present a very interesting report, which will be interesting to all colleagues from Ispirer Systems argue that. efficient automation of SQL migration and application code is possible ! On PG Day, the company's specialists will present a solution that automatically converts business logic, both SQL objects and application code. Come listen and debate :-)
The peak of the import substitution trend has come and gone. Prolonged disputes subsided, and all interested companies, forcedly or voluntarily, quietly move in a new direction for them. Have you ever wondered what Posgres now lives in a bloody enterprise? This is exactly what Anton Bushmelev will tell about in his eponymous report, Bloody Enterprise, or How We Tamed an Elephant . RT Labs, a division of Rostelecom, has been successfully using PostgreSQL in new projects for the second year. Anton will share the experience of introducing him on PG Day.
Extreme load on the DBMS is a standard situation in the life of developers and administrators from the Avito team. Operational experience will come to share Viktor Yagofarov, Dba company. In the report you will find a story about the internal device and the secrets of pgBouncer , tuning under high loads, providing fault tolerance and many other secrets of one of the most popular connection poolers in the PostgreSQL world.

This year we expanded the conference theme and invited professionals working with popular commercial and open DBMSs to the event. We will tell you a little about the most interesting speeches dedicated to Oracle and MS SQL Server, which are worth a visit both to the congressists and colleagues from the Enterprise world.
The most important report in this section will be presented by Victor Egorov , DBA from Data Egret. Based on his experience working with both PostgreSQL and Oracle, Victor will holdA comparative overview of the architecture of both bases . The report will be divided into several sections devoted to specific architectural solutions: working with memory , processes , versioning and data storage . The report will be interesting to many. PostgreSQL users can look at another DBMS, its features and capabilities, some of which can be implemented in PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL developers may come up with ideas about the future direction of development of Postgres. On the other hand, all Oracle users will be able to evaluate the capabilities of an open DBMS. This is especially true for representatives of organizations reflecting on migration.
All fans of "hardcore" we also have something to please. Experts fromтехнологического центра Deutsche Bank готовят целых три крутых технических доклада. Дмитрий Ремизов преподаст урок по анатомии курсора, Николай Кудинов расскажет о трассировке пользовательских процессов и минимизации ожиданий, а Александр Халухин проведет практический мастер-класс по диагностике производительности Oracle Database.
Не оставили мы без внимания и специалистов по MS SQL Server. Независимый консультант Илья Вербицкий на примере системы безопасности SQL Server 2016 расскажет о наболевшем: как ограничивать доступ к данным и создавать безопасное окружение для функционирования вашего бизнеса. For all specialists who want to increase their level of knowledge of MS SQL Server, Konstantin Taranov , a specialist at one of Gazprom’s divisions, will conduct an intensive crash course called “ SQL Server in One Day ” designed to help you learn how to efficiently use this product.
The following issues will be considered during the master class:
- Compare SQL Server functionality with Oracle and PostgreSQL
- Choosing the version and release of SQL Server based on your tasks;
- SQL Server configuration and configuration
- TSQL - proven practices when writing good code;
- development and administration tools for SQL Server - free and paid tools.

This year, PG Day Russia will also host for the first time a section of open databases other than PostgreSQL. The selection of reports to this section in the Program Committee of the conference was supervised by the Director General of Perkona Peter Zaitsev . What interesting awaits you in this section?
First of all, these are three serious technical reports from Percona about the internal structure of MySQL and MongoDB:
- transaction processing in MySQL-derived databases from Nikolay Ikhalainen;
- Storage on the LSM tree as a database engine. The MongoRocks experience from Denis Antipensky;
- efficient debugging of MySQL replication by Sveta Smirnova.
Amazing use-case was brought by colleagues of their IT department of MTS . It turns out that the solution for a centralized system for managing balances, meters, subscribers' batteries in real time, built on the basis of MySQL Cluster , has been in operation by MTS for about a year and continues to develop. Curious? And to us, too, come listen together :-)
At PG Day, you can first-hand learn the nuances of ElasticSearch and MongoDB . Philipp Krenn and Henrik Ingo , experts from Elastic and MongoDB will come to visit us.. During the conference, colleagues will hold master classes, reports and seminars on the development of their companies. Philipp's lecture and workshop will focus on internal organization and examples of organizing full-text searches using Elasticsearch. Henrik talks about the architecture of the new replication engine and teaches several lessons for efficiently organizing applications using MongoDB.
We did not pass by domestic developments either. You are waiting for detailed stories about Clickhouse from Alexei Milovidov and Tarantool from Vasily Soshnikov . We would like to note that Vasily’s performance will be a separate master class, within the framework of which you will learn how to build an effective microservice architecture designed for high loads, similar to what already exists and operates in the "production" of large companies: Beeline, Avito, Mail.ru, etc.
And finally, you will have a great opportunity Compare NoSQL features in PostgreSQL and MySQL , which Oleg Bartunov and Peter Zaitsev will talk about, respectively!

The section opens with an impressive report on the development of a new system for storing attachments from Mail.Ru mail letters . How to properly accept, store and not lose 80,000 files per minute , says Andrey Sumin, technical director of the service.
Nikolay Sivko , former HeadHunter Operations Manager and co-founder of OKMeter domestic monitoring , will tell you how to diagnose various “everyday” problems of postgres operation in “production”. A practical look at monitoring is offered by Anton Shalimov , developer of Aviasales . Anton flies from sunny Thailand specifically to share with you his experience in building a platform for collecting, storing and monitoring on the basis of the InfluxDB DBMS .

For all participants of PG Day'17 Russia, the conference team together with Pivotal and Dell / EMC will organize a free Greenplum Daydedicated to Greenplum, an open source analytics and Data Warehousing platform based on PostgreSQL. Large companies such as Rostelecom and Tinkoff Bank will share their operating experience.
You will find several detailed technical reports on the device, operation and methods of using Greenplum. Heikki Linnakangas , one of the leading developers of the platform and PostgreSQL itself, will give a detailed overview of the platform architecture. Business representatives will be interested in the opportunity to talk with colleagues from flagship companies implementing Greenplum , to learn first-hand how the use of the platform contributed to the growth of the quality of decisions made on the basis of the collected analytical information.
The event will be held on July 5, from 10:00 to 19:00, the day of the workshops. To register for Greenplum Day, it is enough to register using the form on the page https://pgday.ru/en/greenplumday . Entrance for all registered participants is free .
We invite everyone to participate! Registration will be open before the start of the event.