Heisenbug 2018 Moscow: free online broadcast, party and much more

    Less than a week is left before the Heisenbug 2018 Moscow conference: it will be held at the Slavic Radisson on December 6-7.

    Traditionally, a free online broadcast of the first hall will be opened directly on YouTube (the link is hidden under the cut). Between presentations, keynote speakers will be interviewed.

    In the open broadcast will get only the first day and the first hall. To get access to all materials, you need to either purchase a ticket for a full online broadcast, or come live. For those who go live, I want to remind you a few extra chips.

    Link to broadcast

    Discussion areas

    After each report, the speaker goes to a dedicated discussion area, where you can talk with him and ask your questions.

    Formally, this can be done in a break between reports. Speakers are not required, but usually stay much longer - for example, during the entire next report. Sometimes it makes sense to skip the report from the main program (if you bought a ticket, you will still have records after filling out the feedback) and spend it on focused communication with an important expert.

    It is extremely important not to stand aside, but to participate in the discussion and ask your questions. Popular speakers are often surrounded by a whole crowd of people who want to, so it makes sense to immediately “catch” the speaker, go into the discussion area with him, stand in the front row and feel free to ask interesting questions.

    Communication is not limited to the report that takes place at Heisenbug. If you have seen many speeches of a particular author, for example, at our other conferences or on YouTube, you can try to discuss these topics too.

    Exhibition area

    In addition to the discussion areas during the break, you can visit the exhibition area. There are several main activities:

    • The exhibition is a zone of stands of partner companies of the conference. You can learn about interesting projects, technologies and teamwork leaders of the IT-industry. This is the place where you and the company can find each other. You can win valuable prizes and get an idea of ​​the domestic kitchen of large companies.
    • Demo Stage - separate scenes for sponsors and partners, where companies make their reports, share practical experience and sum up the draws.
    • Ask Expert is a special zone where you can turn to an expert with your problem and get practical advice on the spot. Bring your laptops and cook questions. Look for the Ask Expert poster in the exhibition area!

    Two BOF sessions

    Immediately after the end of the main program of the first day, two parallel BOF sessions await you.

    BOF is now a traditional format at our conferences. Something like a round table or discussion group in which everyone can take part. This format historically goes back to the first informal discussion groups of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) .

    There is no division into a speaker and a participant: everyone participates on a par. This is important for at least two reasons:

    • The format of the report is very useful because of its focus on a specific topic and the lack of opportunity to be distracted. Everyone is sitting and listening to the speaker. The BOF session is suitable for full communication between all participants and allows you to cover a wide range of related topics.
    • Among the participants a lot of cool specialists. They do not have a report at this conference, but this in no way diminishes their coolness. Often they are speakers at our other conferences or occupy leading positions in well-known companies.
    • Not everyone has time to ask questions in the discussion area, even if they spent more than an hour with the speaker there.

    Bofs start in parallel with the party. Drinks and snacks can be eaten at the bauf, you can take them with you from the party.

    There are currently two topics planned :

    • “Do we need the role of a tester or all migrate to SDET, development, etc. " (in Russian)
    • "Career in testing: develop skills in one tech stack vs. many different stacks (Java, Python, C #, C ++, etc.) ”(in English)

    Party with beer and music

    In parallel with the BOFs, a party starts at the end of the first day. Drinks, snacks, music - all at once. You can chat in an informal setting and discuss everything.

    You can move from bof to party. You can move from a party to a bof.

    Ignite Karaoke Battle

    No, no, do not worry, no one will sing Leps with all his might. Two participants will appear on the stage, and they will have to tell something on the basis of slides, which they, of course, have never seen before. And the slides, we will try to find what you need, believe me! They will need to build a coherent story, telling one after another. Who can not cope - flies out of the tournament. And so - until the winner.

    We remind you that tickets for Heisenbug 2018 Moscow can still be purchased on the official website .

    Want to see the reports, but for some reason you can not attend live? You can purchase a ticket to the online broadcast!

    See you at Heisenbug!

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