Russian developers presented in London a virtual rehabilitation system

    During the Russian-British business forum, the largest Russian business event in London, the European premiere of the multi-user rehabilitation VR platform ATTILAN of Motorika was held. The system helps people learn how to use prostheses with constant online monitoring of this process, which will provide high-tech rehabilitation of patients anywhere in the world.


    London, November 26, 2018 - The annual Russian-British Business Forum (RBBF) was held at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Center, for the fourth time uniting business circles of the two countries and becoming a platform for discussions, the prime minister of Russian developments and the signing of bilateral agreements .


    In 2018, the RBBF was held under the banner of “Partnership in Innovation”, focusing on non-resource exports, digitalization of various industries, the latest technologies, fintech practices and the expansion of trade in services. One of the main premieres of the forum was the presentation of the Motorika ATTILAN virtual reality system, which serves for the effective rehabilitation of patients with various devices. According to expert forecasts, by 2025, 20% of the world's population will use medical high-tech devices: robotic limbs, invasive devices, pacemakers, and others.

    “Taking into account the accumulated knowledge and developments, high-tech cooperation in the field of healthcare can become one of the serious areas of interaction between Russia and the UK. Search and implementation of new solutions in the field of treatment, rehabilitation, patient care or medical management can positively affect the quality of life of a large number of citizens. Understanding this gives an impetus to partnership discussions and updates business meetings and demonstrations aimed at gaining international recognition of Russian products, such as, for example, Motorika or ExoAtlet’s solutions, ”said Boris Abramov, Russian trade representative in the UK.

    The Motoriki platform has a number of innovative advantages that significantly increase the effectiveness of the rehabilitation process. The user can control the virtual world directly, using his prosthesis as a regular game controller. You can connect to the ATTILAN system with any recovery device through a special electronic module. Both adults and children can easily adapt to the denture training system.


    “Motorica's hand prostheses are the only ones in the world equipped with the functionality of digital gadgets that we all use daily. They not only provide full-fledged motor functionality, but also allow you to make purchases on paypass, make calls, see detailed analytics on the use of the prosthesis and physical activity. For more effective rehabilitation and training, we are also developing a cloud platform that includes virtual reality, the Internet of things, big data analysis. The platform’s objective is to provide rehabilitation doctors with a tool for objective monitoring of the rehabilitation process, and users will have an individual approach to rehabilitation and technical support. The platform will make high-tech rehabilitation available anywhere in the world, ”said Ilya Chekh, CEO.


    The premiere of development at the RBBF allowed the company to begin direct cooperation with British partners developing and using new technologies in the healthcare system and patient rehabilitation.

    About the Russian-British Business Forum

    The Russian-British business forum is held annually at the end of November in London at Queen Elizabeth II Center. The organizer is the Trade Representation of Russia in the UK with the support of more than 30 Russian and international organizations. At the forum, representatives of the business establishment highlight practical issues related to market development, trade policy, the implementation of new export opportunities, investor relations, and ways to expand bilateral and multilateral cooperation. In 2017, the RBBF received 600 participants and 35 high-ranking speakers.

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