Practical typeScript. React + Redux

    I do not understand how you live without strict typing.  What do you do.  Debate all day?

    At present, the development of any modern frontend application is more complex than the level the hello worldteam is working on (the composition of which periodically changes) puts high demands on the quality of the code base. In order to maintain the quality level of the code at the proper level, we in the #gostgroup frontend team are keeping abreast of the times and are not afraid to apply modern technologies that show their practical use in projects of companies of all sizes .

    Static typing and its usefulness on the TypeScript example has been much said in various articles and therefore today we will focus on the more applied tasks that front-end developers encounter on the example of our favorite stack (React + Redux).

    “I don’t understand how you live without strict typing at all. What do you do. Debuff all day long?” - The author is not known to me.

    "No, we write types all day long" - my colleague.

    When writing code on TypeScript (hereinafter, the sabzh stack will be implied), many complain that they have to spend a lot of time writing types manually. A good example illustrating the problem is the connector function connectfrom the library react-redux. Let's take a look at the code below:

    type Props = {
      a: number,
      b: string;
      action1: (a: number) =>void;
      action2: (b: string) =>void;
    classComponentextendsReact.PureComponent<Props> { }
      (state: RootStore) => ({
        a: state.a,
        b: state.b,
      }), {

    What is the problem here? The problem is that for each new property injected through the connector, we have to describe the type of this property in the general type of component properties (React). Not a very interesting exercise, tell me, you still want to be able to collect the type of properties from the connector into one type, which you then "connect" once to the general type of component properties. I have good news for you. Already today TypeScript allows you to do this! Ready? Go!

    The power of TypeScript

    TypeScript does not stand still and is constantly evolving (for which I love it). Starting from version 2.8, a very interesting function (conditional types) has appeared in it, which allows you to make mappings of types based on conditional expressions. I will not go into details here, but just leave a link to the documentation and insert a piece of code from it as an illustration:

    type TypeName<T> =
      T extends string ? "string" :
      T extends number ? "number" :
      T extends boolean ? "boolean" :
      T extends undefined ? "undefined" :
      T extends Function ? "function" :
    type T0 = TypeName<string>;  // "string"
    type T1 = TypeName<"a">;  // "string"
    type T2 = TypeName<true>;  // "boolean"
    type T3 = TypeName<() =>void>;  // "function"
    type T4 = TypeName<string[]>;  // "object"

    How this feature helps in our case. Looking at the library type descriptionreact-redux , you can find the type InferableComponentEnhancerWithPropsthat is responsible for ensuring that the types of the injected properties do not fall into the external type of the component properties, which we must explicitly specify when instantiating the component. A type InferableComponentEnhancerWithPropshas two generalized parameters: TInjectedPropsand TNeedsProps. We are interested in the first. Let's try to pull this type out of this connector!

    type TypeOfConnect<T> = T extends InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<infer Props, infer _>
      ? Props
      : never

    And directly type pulling on a real example from the repository (which you can clone and run a test program there):

    import React from'react';
    import { connect } from'react-redux';
    import { RootStore, init, TypeOfConnect, thunkAction, unboxThunk } from'src/redux';
    const storeEnhancer = connect(
      (state: RootStore) => ({
      }), {
        thunkAction: unboxThunk(thunkAction),
    type AppProps = {}
      & TypeOfConnect<typeof storeEnhancer>
    classAppextendsReact.PureComponent<AppProps> {
      componentDidMount() {
      render() {
        return (
    export default storeEnhancer(App);

    In the example above, we divide the connection to the repository (Redux) into two steps. At the first stage, we obtain a higher-order component storeEnhancer(the same type InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps) to extract the injected property types from it using our helper type TypeOfConnectand further combining (through the intersection of types &) the obtained property types with the component's own property types. In the second stage, we simply decorate our original component. Now, whatever you add to the connector, it will automatically fall into the component property types. Great, what we wanted to achieve!

    The attentive reader noted that action generators (for brevity, hereafter, simplify to the term action) with side effects (thunk action creators) are further processed using the function unboxThunk. What caused such an additional measure? Let's figure it out. First, we will look at the signature of such an action using the example of a program from the repository:

    const thunkAction = (delay: number): ThunkAction<void, RootStore, void, AnyAction> => (dispatch) => {
      console.log('waiting for', delay);
      setTimeout(() => {
      }, delay);

    As can be seen from the signature, our action does not immediately return the target function, but first an intermediate one, which it picks up redux-middlewareto enable the production of side effects in our main function. But when using this function in the connected form in the properties of the component, the signature of this function is reduced, excluding the intermediate function. How to describe it in types? Need a special function converter. And again TypeScript shows its power. We first describe the type that removes the intermediate function from the signature:

    CutMiddleFunction<T> = T extends (...arg: infer Args) => (...args: any[]) => infer R
      ? (...arg: Args) => R
      : never

    Here, in addition to the conditional types, a completely new innovation from TypeScript 3.0 is used, which allows you to display the type of an arbitrary (rest parameters) number of function arguments. See the documentation for details . It now remains to cut out the extra part from our action in a rather tough way:

    const unboxThunk = <Args extends any[], R, S, E, A extends Action<any>>(
      thunkFn: (...args: Args) => ThunkAction<R, S, E, A>,
    ) => (
      thunkFn as any as CutMiddleFunction<typeof thunkFn>

    Having skipped the action through such a converter, we have the required signature at the output. Now the action is ready for use in the connector.

    So, by simple manipulations, we reduce our manual work when writing typed code on our stack. If you go a little further, you can also simplify the typing of action games and reducers, as we did in redux-modus .

    PS When using dynamic linking of actions in a connector through a function, redux.bindActionCreatorswe will need to take care of the more correct typing of this utility (perhaps by writing your own wrapper).

    Update 0
    If someone thought it a convenient solution, then this is where you can put a Like to type-utility added to the package @types/react-redux.

    Update 1
    Some more types with which you do not need to explicitly indicate the type of injected hok props. Just take the hoki and pull the types out of them:

    export type BasicHoc<T> = (Component: React.ComponentType<T>) => React.ComponentType<any>;
    export type ConfiguredHoc<T> = (...args: any[]) => (Component: React.ComponentType<T>) => React.ComponentType<any>;
    export type BasicHocProps<T> = T extends BasicHoc<infer Props> ? Props : never;
    export type ConfiguredHocProps<T> = T extends ConfiguredHoc<infer Props> ? Props : never;
    export type HocProps<T> = T extends BasicHoc<any>
      ? BasicHocProps<T> : T extends ConfiguredHoc<any>
      ? ConfiguredHocProps<T> : never
    const basicHoc = (Component: React.ComponentType<{a: number}>) =>classextendsReact.Component{};
    const configuredHoc = (opts: any) => (Component: React.ComponentType<{a: number}>) => classextendsReact.Component{};
    type props1 = HocProps<typeof basicHoc>; // {a: number}
    type props2 = HocProps<typeof configuredHoc>; // {a: number}

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