Warm tube hardcore. How did DotNext 2018 Moscow

    Most recently, DotNext 2018 Moscow was held - the main .NET-conference of Russia. This is the tenth DotNext round number. This time, he gathered a record number of participants during his lifetime: more than 1000 participants! (including speakers, team and partners) This post is a photo report in which we once again look back at how it was (cautiously, traffic). Photos in really good quality will arrive a little later, and this is what we took on ourselves along the way. At the end there will be a couple of words about the next DotNext and submitting reports to it.

    The first day

    So, early in the morning we go to Congress Park, and registration is already in full swing.

    Going down the escalator, we move into the main space of Congress Park and into the first hall, where the opening procedure begins. Director of JUG.ru Group Alexey Fedorov ( 23derevo ) and program director Andrey Dmitriev ( real_ales ) tell the information necessary for life.

    Immediately after a short break, reports begin. The very first report of the first hall goes to Jeffrey Richter.

    Jeffrey is one of the most anticipated speakers, and then there was some overlap. Many thought that such a legendary man would come with some terribly fuzzy hardcore report, but he showed ... a good presentation, but not a hardcore report. More precisely, two simply good reports, one on the first day, one - on the second.

    But, fortunately, Jeffrey’s participation in the conference does not end there. Right after the report, he, like other speakers, answers questions in the discussion area, and the number of questions exceeds the limit: the entire break and the entire next report are not far behind him. Time to leave comes only when the next speaker comes to the discussion area, Egor Bogatov. But there is still participation in the BoF session on the performance, and a separate autograph session (books can be purchased on the spot in the same place, some participants quickly realized and began to bring 3-4 books at a time to sign). In general, viewers who were present, who did not have enough hardcore on the report, could get it in a different format.

    In addition to Richter, the first speakers are Alexander Kugushev and Anatoly Popov ( aensidhe ). The topics are “Test Last / Test First / TDD” and “Tarantool in .NET-projects”, respectively.

    And now - Egor Bogatov, Oleg Tarasov and Chris Bacon! If you are wondering how to get close to the .NET Core JIT compiler, write a chat bot engine or create your .NET runtime, it’s best not to find a DotNext place :-)

    The third slot is Steffen Forkmann, Alexey Gorshkolep and Anton Tretyakov. Something new about the SAFE-Stack, the environment for interaction tests based on Docker and the query providers.

    The fourth slot is Konstantin Gustov, Halil İbrahim Kalkan and Gerald Versluis.
    We focused on the complexity of the transition to the microservice architecture on ASP.NET Core and applications in airplane mode.

    And finally, the last slot. Speakers Alexey Merson ( m_a_d ) and Raffaele Rialdi. Many years of experience in using DDD and effective memory management during interopia passes into the hands of participants.

    Discussion areas

    During the day, discussion areas are heated with more and more heated discussions. This is very conducive to the high population density of the conference. Some speakers do not leave for hours, and when they leave, they are still found in another part of the site and the discussion continues.

    Looking ahead, here's a photo from the discussion zones of the second day already. Everyone got used to the format and attacked the speakers with double the rage :-)


    And as the logical conclusion of a day filled with discussions - three baf. For those who were not at DotNext and now just flips through this habrapost: the idea of ​​bofs is to make something like a round table, without dividing into “speakers” and “audience”, but with the presence of moderators and a common theme. Topics of the evening: .NET Core, Performance and DDD.

    A party

    In parallel with the bofami, a party starts with music, a snack and so on - everything is as it should be.

    But in this case, the music is not just “some records sound in the background,” but a much more unique and thematic performance. On the stage - our speakers (Dylan Beatty, Vagif Abilov VagifAbilov and Maxim Arshinov marshinov ), and in the repertoire - parodies of rock hits, the texts of which are devoted to the development! Visitors to the previous DotNext could already hear the parodies of Dylan and Vagif, but each time they compose something new, and this time there appeared, for example, a song about DotNext itself on the Beatles theme "Back in the USSR".

    Exhibition area

    Separately, I want to thank the sponsors for the events in the exhibition area. I would like to make a full review, but the volume of such text would quickly exceed any reasonable size Habropost. And do not remember everything!

    Firstly, a dedicated Demo Stage was organized in the exhibition area, with its own dense program of mini-reports.

    They turned out very good, they have an impressive number of participants.


    • At the stand of Alfa-Bank, one could listen to the tech talkers, solve puzzles and win Lego Mindstorms.
    • JetBrains talked about their tools.
    • A team from Fast Reports has launched a Nanopresso coffee machine.
    • Kaspersky Lab has launched a Telegram bot with tasks.
    • At the stand of the Dodo Pizza team one could play the Telegram-quest about the developer’s adventures in gembe.
    • According to the results of the Optimajet quiz, many people had memorable “army-style” tokens.
    • And many many others!

    Second day

    The first slot. How are yield and async arranged? How good is unit testing? What features of GC can make our lives better? Ivan Dashkevich ( spaceorc ), Vladimir Horikov and Konrad Kokosa tell us all this .

    The second slot. How strong are your traditional views on web design and are you ready to part with them? What do you know about the insides of Windows 10 and the new features of WinDbg? Maxim Arshinov, Pavel Yosifovich and Kevin Gosse completely captured our attention.

    The third slot belongs to Steffan Vorkman, Alexander Mutel and Egor Grishechko.
    We learned a lot of useful things about FAKE + Paket, ValueTask and how you can make life better by writing your own C # compiler.

    Jeffrey Richter (yes, this is his second report!), Vagif Abilov and Yevgeny Peshkov ( epeshk ) perform in the fourth slot . We carefully listen to responsive and scalable applications, actors in a cluster and metrics for monitoring application performance.

    Igor Lukanin ( green_hippo ), Georgy Polevoy and Christophe Nasarre perform in the fifth slot .
    The most interesting reports on load-resistant clusters of microservices, on performance in distributed systems and on special relationships with ClrMD.

    And finally, the final keyout of Dylan Beatty "Ctrl + Alt + Del: Learning to love legacy code". On the one hand, this is really a show: for example, talking about 2003, Dylan included a fragment of the TATU speech at Eurovision (realizing that this will be reflected in the Russian public by vivid memories). And on the other hand, it was also quite a serious argument about how we live with "a code that is too scary to touch it, and too profitable to simply delete it." And the keyboard shortcut in the title turned out to be an elegant play on words: it was not about rebooting, but that the Legacy code should be able to control (Ctrl), change (Alt) and delete (Del).

    For many, the events of this day did not end, in fact, with the end of the last report. But this is a topic for a completely different story.

    Next DotNext and Call for Papers

    This post would be incomplete without the announcement of the next DotNext . It will be held May 15-16, 2019 in St. Petersburg .

    And, of course, you can submit your own report. This is real. Remember the feedback form, which is filled after the conference? In response to the question “who should I call for a report next time?” Many participants answer “me”.

    Program committees read completely all applications and carefully consider them. Yes, there are many famous personalities in the list of speakers, but it is quite possible to get there. It is necessary, of course, to work well on the content and on the feed, but you will be helped by people who are well versed in this.

    There are very specific criteria for the adoption of the report, which can simply be met. There is a specific process that begins with the acceptance of an application and ends with a speech at a conference.

    To start your journey as a speaker, you need to follow the link , read everything there carefully and do as it is written.

    Early bird

    If you go to the site DotNext 2019 Piter or to our groups in social networks, you will see that everything is just beginning. The program committee has not yet laid out even the first version of the program, we are still collecting feedback from the participants of the Moscow conference, photos in the process of processing, and so on. The team is starting its six-month journey to the ideal Dotnext right now.

    Right now, at the very start of the conference, you can buy tickets at the best price. This is an option for people and companies who are willing to invest in creating the best .NET conference in Russia and are confident that we can do it. Is there any reason for such confidence - judge for yourself on the Moscow DotNext just past.

    Another point: now in Moscow, all the tickets were purchased in two weeks, not the fact that this will not happen again. All have long been accustomed to, that this happens at music concerts, and plan them in advance. It is also possible to get into a DotNext ticket strategically. If you agree - open the relevant page of the site (until December 1, the cheapest tickets are available).

    In any case, thank you for being with us and for reading this post to the end.

    See you at DotNext 2019 Piter!

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