In Russia, a bill has appeared on the provision of data from users of social networks to an unlimited circle of persons. Social networks against

    Source: Ruslan Shamukov / TASC

    Today it became known that the center of competencies for the Digital Economy program has developed the concept of a draft law on access to data for users of social networks. This document assumes the introduction of the responsibility of Internet sites for the safety of user data from closed profiles. The developers of the bill believe that social networks can monopolize the data market, therefore they offer certain measures to overcome this situation.

    The document proposes informing users of the user’s account’s Internet sites about the type of social network. For example, if the site is open, the user must agree that his data will become publicly available to an unlimited number of people.

    If the site provides privacy settings, giving the user the opportunity to close their account, then it is responsible for the security of non-public information. The authors of the draft law consider that any legal restriction of access to publicly available information allows creating unequal conditions for domestic and foreign data market players.

    The authors intend to prepare the text of this bill by the end of November. Then he will be sent for consideration to the CE working group, and after that - for approval by the federal government bodies, as reported by Kommersant .

    By the way, Deputy Prime Minister Maskim Akimov knows about the preparation of this bill. Moreover, its representatives report that the document is not included in the priority package. In turn, in "Rostelecom" claim that the amendments are already being studied, and representatives of the department will participate in their discussion. According to the Ministry of Economy, in the case of liberalization of the mode of working with publicly available data, it is necessary to provide for compensation mechanisms, as well as additional protection of human and civil rights.

    The authors of the bill call the most popular sites "Vkontakte", Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, "Classmates" and Twitter. In the social networks of the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet there are more than 200 million Russian-speaking active profiles. They generate more than 90 million messages per day.


    As for the current situation, personal data can be publicly available only with the consent of the subject. Experts believe that if the data will be disclosed without warning to an unlimited number of persons, this may lead to a violation of the rights of citizens, as well as jeopardize the business of Internet companies. “This may affect the rights of users who choose public accounts to post data,” said Karen Ghazaryan, leading analyst at the Russian Association of Electronic Communications.

    As for the social networks themselves, representatives of both Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki said that the initiative of the authors of the project does not prioritize the interests of users, and also does not take into account world trends in working with their data. Reports about it TASS.

    “The bill threatens the confidentiality of information from Russian Internet users; in fact, it allows any third-party organizations to collect data without their demand. Our team is confident that every person has the right to independently determine what information and with whom to share, ”a Vkontakte representative said.

    “If data will be transferred to third parties for commercial use and without the consent of the users, no one can guarantee protection against their malicious use. At the same time, users will not be able to control in any way what information about them is currently available, ”the Odnoklassniki say.

    As for the concept of regulating the turnover of user data, there is no text yet. According to representatives of the Digital Economy Autonomous Non-Profit Organization, the business has just begun to discuss the main points of this concept. The content will be determined by the business community with the support of state representatives.

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