The first SSL certificate using Cyrillic characters

    GMO GlobalSign Russia ( ), the global certification center and the leading provider of identification and security solutions for the Internet Total (Internet of Everything), announced the first release of an SSL certificate using Cyrillic characters. Earlier, GlobalSign registered SSL certificates only in Latin, which allowed us to achieve universality and automation of the process for our clients around the world. But thanks to our ongoing efforts to ensure security on the Internet, we have opened new opportunities that have led to recent improvements.

    Our first SSL certificate using Cyrillic characters was issued for the organization Special Technological Center ( The company ordered the SSL Certificate OV Wildcard and asked to register their name in the certificate in Cyrillic. At the request of the client, other details of the certificate, the region and the city, were indicated in Latin.

    Today, we, the Russian representative office of GlobalSign , have the opportunity to issue SSL certificates completely in Cyrillic and the example with shows that this is possible. Now our clients in Russia will be able to register data such as the company name, street, city, district, in their native language, which will greatly simplify the process of perception of information in the security certificate by site visitors.

    GlobalSign can also issueSSL certificates using characters from other alphabets. GlobalSign China recently released its first SSL certificate using Chinese characters. The EV SSL Certificate was issued for the largest PPmoney financial association with parts spelled using Chinese characters.

    In the near future we plan to expand these functions for other alphabets used in the world.

    Learn about the benefits of working directly with the global certification center GlobalSign:

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