Report from Moscow CocoaHeads Meetup April 29

    On April 29, our office hosted the next Moscow CocoaHeads meeting, dedicated to current issues of iOS and OS X development. We invite everyone to get acquainted with the video recordings and presentations of the reports delivered at the meeting.

    - Andrey Panov, Avito

    “Managing the logic of transitions between application screens using coordinators”

    Andrey talked about how in the ActiDealer and ActiAgent projects his team faced the problem of the often changing flow of transitions between screens (registration, publication of an advertisement, application of vas-services). To solve the problem, they used an approach called Application Coordinator. This made it easy to reuse controllers and change various flow in the application. The talk was about the ApplicationController (aka Coordinator) pattern, how to integrate it into existing architectural approaches (MVC, MVVM), and an implementation example was also considered.

    Video of the speech:

    - Valentin Shamardin, an independent iOS developer

    “How to communicate and negotiate with customers about project work”

    Valentin talked about how to evaluate the work of a developer, correctly calculate his cost, communicate with the customer and be honest with yourself and people.

    Video of the speech:

    - Alexander Zimin, an independent iOS developer

    “MVVM in Swift”

    Alexander talked about the use of the MVVM pattern in Swift. Its differences from MVC were considered that it is possible to use unique from Swift. And finally, a small demo was demonstrated.

    Video of the speech:

    And at the end of the meeting, a round table was held:

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