Runa Capital II is one of the five largest funds in Europe, and its managing partner is recognized as the Person of the Year in Russia

    At the Open Innovations forum , experts examined the results of 347 Russian venture capital funds. The winners of the “Best Venture Investor” award were selected based on statistical data and a study of the private equity and venture investment market in Russia for 2014.

    Experts analyzed such indicators as the number of projects and exit transactions invested by the company, as well as the largest total investment. In making the decision, the non-financial contribution of funds to the development of companies and the impact of the transaction on the market were also taken into account.

    The award was established by the Russian Venture Investment Association ( RAVI ) and RVC in 2014.

    At the first stage, 21 funds became candidates for victory in the competition.

    According to RUSBASE, the funds in the following categories were included in the list of winners of 2015: The

    best venture investor - Almaz Capital ;

    The Best Venture Deal of the Early Stage - Biological Process Capital Ventures ;

    The best venture investor in the regions is Yakutia ;

    Opening of the year - Starta Capital Accessor Fund I ;

    The best way out is AddVenture Fund (probably for leaving the Delivery Club in 2014);

    The best venture capital investor at the seed stage is the Internet Initiatives Development Fund ( IIDF );

    The best syndicated venture deal is InVenture Partners , FinSight I LP and Intel Capital (probably for investing in GillBus).

    Person of the Year - Dmitry Borisovich Chikhachev, Managing Partner of Runa Capital .

    Moreover, the Russian venture capital fund Runa Capital II was among the five largest European venture funds in terms of the amount of funds raised for the III quarter of 2015. The fund is in third place.

    As of Q3 2015, Runa Capital II has raised € 67.85 million. The fund was launched in the summer of 2014. The fund was supposed to be $ 200 million (at the exchange rate on July 3, 2014 - about € 147 million).

    Swiss Foundation First PlaceLakestar II LP - it raised € 350 million, Notion Capilal III LP from the UK took second place € 108.56 million, Firrma reports referring to the Dow Jones VentureSource report .

    Dow Jones VentureSource monitors venture capital deals and market trends. His experts conducted a survey of professional firms and external sources, as well as interviews with executives. The study does not include companies that receive investments from the state or corporations.

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