In October, a conference of Russian Internet media will be held

    The Regional Public Center for Internet Technologies (ROCIT) and the All-Russian Organization of Media Workers “Mediasoyuz”, with the support of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications, hold the First Professional Conference of Russian Internet Media in October 2007 to discuss the most pressing issues of domestic electronic media with industry leaders.

    More attention to the event will be devoted to issues of content (its creation, processing, consumption, delivery), rather than issues of technology and economy. “Content shapes society” - under this motto a conference will be held.

    Currently, more and more attention of users is attracted to information security issues, ethical aspects of Runet development, information and PR wars on the Web, the use of new technologies by terrorists, the influence of the Internet on children, and others. Experts in these and many other topical issues in the development of the Internet will participation in the i-media conference.

    via Izvestia

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