IT companies will have to work in Crimea to participate in government procurement in Russia

    The Ministry of Communications and the Internet Development Institute are simultaneously working on support measures for Russian software developers. The head of the Ministry of Communications at a meeting with industry representatives proposed another measure: IT companies that do not work in Crimea may be prohibited from participating in government procurements, RBC reports . Until March 27, the draft department is in the public discussion.

    Some foreign companies refused to work in Crimea for political reasons. In December 2014, Barack Obama banned US citizens and American companies from working in this region. By sanctions joined by a host of US companies in the past year. Apple, Google and Amazon do not work in Crimea, do not accept Visa and MasterCard cards.

    Companies will have to violate EU and US laws in order to operate on the peninsula. The restriction, which the head of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media spoke about, will apply to Russian companies representing foreign software developers: to participate in government procurement, you need to work throughout Russia. “Only those who will not indulge in this territorial discrimination will be able to work,” Nikolai Nikiforov explained.

    The Commission on Strategic and Information Systems of the State Duma Committee on Science and High Technology is working on a similar proposal. It will primarily affect SAP, Oracle and Microsoft, which occupy 80% of the Russian software market. Of the total revenue of the company of 180 billion rubles, the public sector accounts for 70%. The commission will submit a bill to the State Duma by the end of March.

    The first initiative of the Internet Development Institute was the proposal for amendments to federal laws containing measures to support Russian software manufacturers. Government agencies during public procurement will need to justify the choice of foreign security.

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