Club of anonymous Santa Clauses 2018-2019 in Habrahabr

    Picture to attract attention

    In life, you can set any goals, and then persistently look for ways to achieve them. If your plans had something like “become a wizard”, then hurry. You still have the opportunity to realize your dream and become a real Santa Claus before the end of this year!

    All users of Habrakhabra who have a full account at the time of registration (ReadOnly and Read & Comment cannot participate) with a karma of 10.0 units or higher can sign up for Santas. The restrictions can be removed by the “Santa Claus” badge that distinguished participants of previous seasons receive.

    Santa Claus icon

    If all the conditions are met, a simple registration procedure is carried out at . Click “Login via Habrahabr”, “Allow”. In the form that appears, fill in your mailing address (why - read below) and click "Register a participant." If until December 2, you change your mind to participate, then go back to the site and click "I changed my mind (a) to participate." Your data will be deleted.

    Now the most interesting: who will give gifts? It is here that your mailing address specified during registration will be useful to us. On the day of the draw, December 3, the miracle machine will mix the addresses of all participants and assign each of them an “anonymous gift recipient” (APT). At the same time, as it is easy to notice, everyone will have an “anonymous Santa Claus” (ADM). So check again the correctness of the address you specified when registering. In particular, there is information that the postman Pechkin got a job at the Russian Post, bringing, but not giving away a parcel without middle name (if you have one). Some secrets of correct spelling of addresses Russian Post reveals here:

    After the draw, you will find two cards on the site. The left one is connected with your ADM, i.e. with the one who gives you a gift. You do not know his name or address. By clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the card, you can open an “anonymous chat”. Perhaps with its help your ADM will decide to contact you before sending a gift. Please visit the site regularly or check the “Tracker” section of Habrahabr not to miss the new message. Otherwise, you will not only be left without a gift, but also greatly upset your Santa Claus.

    Habrahabr Tracker

    The right card is associated with your AMS, i.e., to whom you are giving a gift. You know the real name and postal address of this person, but in some cases (it all depends on the activity of your recipient in social networks) you can not connect with him his virtual identity on the Internet. That is why your recipient is considered anonymous - for example, who is “Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich” from Moscow? As in the case of the first card, clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the right card you get into chat with the recipient. Please note that the recipient does not know your name, address or nickname on Habrahabr (the floor was once displayed a long time ago, but now it is not).

    So that we can keep a counter on the site (accessible to all participants), please do not forget to mark the sending and receiving on the appropriate cards. The organizers and other members of the club will be especially happy if you are not too lazy to take a picture of the gift received and put it in a “boasting post”, which will be created later. If you do not want to disclose your nickname, you can send a photo to the organizers. They will post your comment on their behalf.

    Thus, to see what was given in past years, you can here:

    2012-2013: Anonymous Father Frost: boasting post New Year's gifts
    2013-2014: Anonymous Father Frost 2014. Post boasting New Year's gifts
    2014-2015:Anonymous Father Frost 2014 - Post boasting New Year's gifts
    2015-2016: Anonymous Father Frost 2015-2016 - Post boasting New Year's gifts
    2016-2017: Anonymous Father Frost 2016-2017: post boasting Christmas gifts
    2017-2018: Anonymous Father Frost 2017-2018: post boasting Christmas gifts

    If you have any questions or problems with the participation, please do not hesitate to write in a personal organizers. We are always happy to help you.

    The magic begins here:

    Your iCTPEJlOK and kafeman .

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