The new generation of UX or the most useful bots for Slack

    If you look at the evolution of computer interfaces, there are 3 specific milestones: the command line, the desktop with the mouse and the “touching” interfaces. With the announcement of Siri and other voice assistants, an opinion arose that a new milestone in the story appeared. I am convinced that Siri and its analogues are only a test of the pen.

    Today, the voice interface is very limited in capabilities. But the new revolution in UX, as the touch devices once became, are bots and conversation UX (about which so much is written in the West now). This is not just a trend or a banal alternative for solving existing problems. This is a new way to interact with the interface, expanding horizons.

    I suggest you take a look at my selection of the best bots for Slack. I understand that not everyone uses Slack as a tool for corporate communications, but I’m sure that many bots will be interesting in the context of “conversational interfaces”. In my opinion, it is impossible to interpret the functionality described below with such a high level of usability in a different way.


    A great assistant in organizing corporate meetings and plans. When building a work calendar within the team, Meekan takes into account the list of to-do of each employee and their time zones. Also, the bot can easily reorganize the compiled to-do list, taking into account the wishes of each.


    When each team member is aware of each other's working status, productivity takes off. It is time to say goodbye to the old reporting system. Roundtable using the "create" keyword allows you to maintain a collective todo list. Also, the bot automatically requests updates on the status of the task, which gives the whole team an idea of ​​what is happening and who needs help.


    Any working dialogue about statistics or behavioral factors requires downloading data from the corresponding services. Moreover, the lively presence of several people in front of one screen is often necessary. Statsbot will change your understanding of teamwork with analytic tools. The bot integrates with Google Analytics, New Relic, Mixpanel and sends various metrics directly to your corporate chat. Statsbot is one of the most popular bots for Slack, which is already used by over 4000 teams around the world.

    Atomic kit

    Afraid of missing out on the most significant details of the conversation? Atomic Kit will not let important messages in your team get lost. The bot aggregates messages marked with an asterisk and sends them as an email digest to all participants in the conversation according to the specified schedule.


    A useful tool to control the workflow in a company. Nikabot interviews employees about what they are doing and, based on the data received, creates an informative and interactive progress report for management. It costs only $ 1 per month.


    Have you ever wondered about the security of incoming information in your Slack channels? Meet the first antivirus for corporate chat - Dbot. Dbot runs in the background and warns of malicious and dangerous content in the feed: IP addresses, files, URLs, MD5 hash and more.


    The bot provides the ability to work with various cloud applications directly in Slack. There is no just parsing information (although this is of course, too), namely, working. Add a subscriber to the company on MailChimp, update the lead in SalesForce, create a new ticket in Github or Jira and all this without leaving Slack. Workbot understands the context and assists you, which allows you to interact with all services at an intuitive level.

    For example, if Workbot notifies you of a new ticket marked as a high priority task in Zendesk, the bot will ask: “Would you like to see more information about this client?”. If the answer is “Yes”, then it will display the profile information for this user from SalesForce to Slack. Plus, add a new note about the profile of this client, you can also chat directly.


    It's no secret that the most attractive products are created by teams that are as close as possible to their customers. And Relay will help you with this. The bot monitors the user activity of your application and notifies of various events in the corresponding Slack channels. Relay is powered by the analytic platform.


    The main component of a high employee productivity indicator is his motivation. It is also no less important for him to have a clear understanding of the result of the work done. And it’s very cool when there are elements of gamification in this process. Growbot recognizes words (props, kudos, etc.) and assigns points to the person to whom they refer. I also want to mention PlusPlus and HeyTaco .


    Safelink introduces an extra layer of security for the most important information. The bot uploads a message or file to Amazon's SSE-S3 remote server about TLS with AES_256_CBC, which will be available within 24 hours. You can read the message only after authentication through a special code sent to the phone number.


    The kindest bot, which measures and improves the level of satisfaction of your employees. Leo anonymously asks unobtrusive questions “How do you evaluate your relationship with your colleagues?”, “Do you enjoy working?”, “Do you understand the tasks set for you”.


    Convenient and functional task scheduler. Ace can not only compile todo lists, but also the bot allows you to delegate tasks to other employees and conduct team polls. In order to set the task, it is sufficient to indicate “todo” at the beginning of the sentence.

    Many thanks to all for your attention.

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    Do you think that bots really became / are / will become a new branch in the development of user interfaces?

    • 45.6% Yes 120
    • 26.2% I don’t know, but the topic of “hot interfaces” definitely aroused interest 69
    • 28.1% No 74

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