How to set up or disable lint in the built-in code editor
Under the cut there is a small note on how you can set up rules for linting in the built-in WordPress code editor.
Starting from version 4.9 , CodeMirror is built into WordPress . It supports syntax highlighting for more than 100 languages, and also has a built-in code analyzer.
So, to change the parameters, the wp_code_editor_settings filter will help us .
The first parameter is the array of options for the code editor. In it we are interested in only a few properties. See the documentation for details .
Turn off CSSLint checking while leaving syntax highlighting . (It can be useful if you use css variables in the theme. # 720 )
Register a global variable.
Prohibit the use of anti-boots without values
Starting from version 4.9 , CodeMirror is built into WordPress . It supports syntax highlighting for more than 100 languages, and also has a built-in code analyzer.
So, to change the parameters, the wp_code_editor_settings filter will help us .
The first parameter is the array of options for the code editor. In it we are interested in only a few properties. See the documentation for details .
add_filter( 'wp_code_editor_settings', 'change_code_editor_settings');
functionchange_code_editor_settings( $settings ){
* Массив параметров передаваемых в codemirror
* @see
* Массив параметров для CSSLint
* @see
* Массив параметров для JSHint
* @see
* Массив параметров для HTMLHint
* @see
return $settings;
Turn off CSSLint checking while leaving syntax highlighting . (It can be useful if you use css variables in the theme. # 720 )
add_filter( 'wp_code_editor_settings', 'disable_csslint' );
functiondisable_csslint( $settings ){
if ($settings['codemirror']['mode'] === 'css') {
$settings['codemirror']['lint'] = false;
return $settings;
Register a global variable.
add_filter( 'wp_code_editor_settings', 'change_code_editor_settings');
functionchange_code_editor_settings( $settings ){
$settings['jshint']['globals']['axios'] = false// Глобальная переменная существует
$settings['jshint']['globals']['user_rates'] = true// Глобальная переменная существует и доступна для записиreturn $settings;
Prohibit the use of anti-boots without values
add_filter( 'wp_code_editor_settings', 'change_code_editor_settings');
functionchange_code_editor_settings( $settings ){
$settings['htmlhint']['attr-value-not-empty'] = truereturn $settings;
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