PHP Digest number 142 (October 15 - 29, 2018)

    Fresh selection with links to news and materials. In the release: The future of PHP and Zend Framework, the PHP Internals RFC on performance enhancements, a portion of useful tools, a new PHP elephant is available for ordering, and much more.

    Enjoy reading!

    News and Releases

    Php internals

    • [RFC] Preloading - The concept from Dmitry Stogov is designed into a full RFC. It is proposed to make it possible to preload files before processing requests. All classes and functions loaded in this way will be permanently available in the context of subsequent requests without the need to include them. In addition to productivity gains, this opportunity opens ways for further optimization.
    • [RFC] Improve openssl_random_pseudo_bytes () - The function openssl_random_pseudo_bytes()may, in an obvious way, generate an insecure random sequence. It is proposed in this case to throw an exception.


    Study materials

    Audio and video


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