Moscow Python Meetup No. 30

    On November 19th we will meet again in the cozy office of Rambler & Co.


    At the meeting, we are waiting for as many as 4 reports.

    Artyom Malyshev (F-Technology). Hexagonal architecture in Django applications.

    “How not to turn your project into a pile of urls?” How not to lose extensibility with the growth of the code base? How to write supported code? Artem Malyshev will tell and show about these problems and their possible solutions using the example of Django. ”

    Sergey Zhernovoi (IBM) IBM Bluemix platform and why it is for pythonists.

    “IBM Bluemix cloud platform for developers and developers. Why is it needed and how is it arranged. How to deploy the application in python in 5 minutes. "

    Leo Tonkikh (Rambler & Co). Analysis of VK friendships using Python.

    “It all started with an article that talked about building social graphs using Wolfram Mathematica. Then I could not pass by, and my report will be about how to do all this in my favorite Python. ”

    Pavel Petlinsky (Rambler & Co). asyncio in Python. How is it arranged and why is it necessary?

    “In python 3.4, asyncio appeared. Until now, many developers do not know what it is, how asynchrony is implemented in Python, and what are its strengths and weaknesses. Let’s repeat it and look under the hood. ”

    And, of course, according to tradition, the program includes communication with like-minded people and new meetings!

    You can register here

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