Microsoft raises prices for its software in the Russian Federation

    In February 2015, Microsoft increased its prices by 15-30%. And again, a new rise in price is forecasted from January 1, 2016 on products and services of a well-known company. Prices for Microsoft products will change for both private and corporate users by 19-25%. Office products Microsoft Office and Office 365, software for servers, cloud services based on Microsoft Azure, the line for Microsoft Visual Studio developers and other products will rise in price. For private users, prices will be raised by 19%, for business - by 19-25%, depending on the licensing program. Corporate customers and private users can still purchase Microsoft products and update licensing agreements at current prices before adjusting them.

    Boxed versions of Windows, Xbox game consoles, solutions for licensing unlicensed copies of Windows, Dynamics / CRM products, this price increase will not affect.

    Pavel Betsis, President of Microsoft Russia:
    We regularly review our pricing policies to match market dynamics. In light of the changes taking place in the Russian market, Microsoft will adjust the prices of software and cloud products. The upcoming increase will apply only to a certain number of software products. Microsoft is always thoughtful and balanced in its approach to pricing in Russia. In this regard, the price adjustment for software for private users will be minimal - 19%, and in some cases will remain unchanged. So, for example, prices for boxed versions of Windows, Xbox game consoles and some other devices will remain at the same level. For commercial customers, depending on the product licensing scheme, the increase can range from 19% for software to 25% for “clouds”. And the prices for the solution for licensing unlicensed copies of Windows (GGWA) and Dynamics / CRM products will not change. At the same time, we give a substantial time period, almost two months, for the purchase of products at old prices.

    Ivan Ermakov, vice president of MONT strategic development:
    In the current economic situation in Russia, it is not the fact of Microsoft’s price adjustment that matters, but rather the fact that it still maintains the ruble price list. Thus, Microsoft removed exchange rate risks from the affiliate network and took them upon itself. In conditions of high volatility of the national currency, this is a very important factor that allows many partners to maintain their business and avoid bankruptcies.

    The price increase range is “quite expected given the current inflation and is acceptable”, other international companies also change prices, but sell their products in arbitrary units.

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    What is your attitude towards increasing the cost of using Microsoft services

    • 6.8% likely positive 121
    • 24.5% pretty negative 432
    • 21.1% neutral 372
    • 16.7% do not use Microsoft 294 products
    • 30.6% Microsoft paid? 540

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