IBM Adds Apache Spark Support for z Systems

IBM has announced that Apache Spark for Linux will be supported by z Systems. Such support will be provided as part of the mainframe analytics project. Thanks to this, data mining experts will be able to use Apache Spark on the powerful z Systems mainframes.
Providing support for Apache Spark for Linux on systems such as z Systems opens up the possibility of expanding the ecosystem of such systems, while increasing the number of applications. IBM developers are integrating Apache Spark with z / OS this year. Data specialists will be able to use the standard software framework regardless of the specifics of the data format.
IBM introduced the z13 mainframeearlier this year. z13 is one of the most powerful servers of this type, while z13 is not only characterized by high performance, but also the ability to encrypt and analyze transactions in real time. The creation of this mainframe took five years and about a billion US dollars. In the process of creating z13, innovative technologies of more than 500 new patents were used. It is worth noting that the mainframe is an open platform, with support for Linux and OpenStack. The corporation has also released a new OS release - z / OS, which uses a new type of analytics, has Hadoop support and storage support. IBM is currently the largest mainframe manufacturer in the world.
Along with the introduction of Apache Spark for z / OS, IBM begins working with three large companies that specialize in analytics: Zementis (predictive analysis), Rocket Software (data visualization) and Elite Analythics (working with projects running on z Systems).
Partnership with Zementis will allow specialists to build models using SPSS, R, Python, SAS and other commercial or open-source tools. Then such models can be run in the z / OS operating environment. Users can work with Zementis to create IMS, DB2 for z / OS, and VSAM operating models.
IBM-Rocket Software Collaborationmakes available the Rocket Service Data Virtualization Service for Spark on z Systems. The service allows you to combine various data sources into a single system. In addition, this company announced its intention to add support for the R analytical platform on z / OS.
Working with Elite Analythics includes providing new services for the development and management of various projects on z Systems. This includes the real-time capabilities of Zementis or SPSS, plus projects developed on Apache Spark on z / OS.
The mainframe analytics strategy is fully consistent with plans announced in June to integrate the Spark platform into various IBM products. Now Apache Spark is offered by the company and as a service for the Bluemix cloud platform. According to company representatives, 3,500 developers and researchers have already submitted applications for working with projects related to Spark.