The most comprehensive Russian translation of the Harvard CS50 2015 Programming Course, free on YouTube
In this article I want to talk a little bit about the best programming course in the world.
Since 2013, our small team has been translating and adapting English-language video courses. During this time we translated and adapted over 150 hours of material. Before starting to work, we analyzed materials from several online training schools, and chose, in our pedagogical view, the best material that is available to the maximum, structured and briefly provides teaching material. As a result, we had to look at several courses on the same subject, and then choose the one that is the most qualitative and easy to understand for beginners.
As it turned out, there are not so many really high-quality courses and teachers. In the Russian-language learning space quite often there are re-filming or adaptation of foreign courses that are popular with American or European specialists.
At the moment, from the point of view of our team for novice programmers, the Harvard course CS50 is the best. On the links below you can find the most complete Russian translation of this course in one place.
From zero week, you will learn how, without knowing anything about programming, you can create a simple application using the SCRATCH program, how the computer understands your commands and what ASCII, Algorithms and Binary Notation are.
After reviewing the first week, you will learn about the basic tools that are used in programming for the implementation of various tasks. Namely, what are variables, methods (functions), priority, cycles, type conversion, styles, Boolean expressions or conditions, compilers, libraries and what is Clang.
After reviewing the second week, you will learn about arrays, the Return method or the return of results, scope, global variables, redirection, command line arguments, Caesar cipher, Vigenère cipher and RSA.
After reviewing the third week, you will learn what asymptotic notation, linear search, binary search, sorting by selection, bubble sorting, sorting inserts and quick sorting are.
After reviewing the fourth week, you will learn how different interactions take place with files, what is GDB, merge sorting, pointers, recursion, character strings and structures.
After reviewing the fifth week, you will learn about Valgrind and linked lists, as well as, we will look at the CS50 library that is connected to our programs.
After reviewing the sixth week, you will learn what hash tables, queues, trees and recursive trees are.
After reviewing the seventh week, you will learn about what http, html, css is and what syntax features are in the php language.
After reviewing the eighth week, you will learn about the specific features in PHP web development, what is PHP web session, IP and SQL.
After reviewing the ninth week, you will learn what DOM, MVC and TCP are.
After reviewing the tenth week, you will learn what JavaScript and Ajax are.
Having obtained all this knowledge, you will be able to become a programmer in a fairly short time, very quickly learn new programming languages, and increase your skill from junior level to middle and senior.
PS In the near future we will post on our channel a course on start-ups and business from Stanford University with leading lecturers who have created companies such as PayPal, Facebook, WhatsApp, Airbnb, Pinterest, Xerox, etc.
Since 2013, our small team has been translating and adapting English-language video courses. During this time we translated and adapted over 150 hours of material. Before starting to work, we analyzed materials from several online training schools, and chose, in our pedagogical view, the best material that is available to the maximum, structured and briefly provides teaching material. As a result, we had to look at several courses on the same subject, and then choose the one that is the most qualitative and easy to understand for beginners.
As it turned out, there are not so many really high-quality courses and teachers. In the Russian-language learning space quite often there are re-filming or adaptation of foreign courses that are popular with American or European specialists.
At the moment, from the point of view of our team for novice programmers, the Harvard course CS50 is the best. On the links below you can find the most complete Russian translation of this course in one place.
From zero week, you will learn how, without knowing anything about programming, you can create a simple application using the SCRATCH program, how the computer understands your commands and what ASCII, Algorithms and Binary Notation are.
After reviewing the first week, you will learn about the basic tools that are used in programming for the implementation of various tasks. Namely, what are variables, methods (functions), priority, cycles, type conversion, styles, Boolean expressions or conditions, compilers, libraries and what is Clang.
After reviewing the second week, you will learn about arrays, the Return method or the return of results, scope, global variables, redirection, command line arguments, Caesar cipher, Vigenère cipher and RSA.
After reviewing the third week, you will learn what asymptotic notation, linear search, binary search, sorting by selection, bubble sorting, sorting inserts and quick sorting are.
After reviewing the fourth week, you will learn how different interactions take place with files, what is GDB, merge sorting, pointers, recursion, character strings and structures.
After reviewing the fifth week, you will learn about Valgrind and linked lists, as well as, we will look at the CS50 library that is connected to our programs.
After reviewing the sixth week, you will learn what hash tables, queues, trees and recursive trees are.
After reviewing the seventh week, you will learn about what http, html, css is and what syntax features are in the php language.
After reviewing the eighth week, you will learn about the specific features in PHP web development, what is PHP web session, IP and SQL.
After reviewing the ninth week, you will learn what DOM, MVC and TCP are.
After reviewing the tenth week, you will learn what JavaScript and Ajax are.
Having obtained all this knowledge, you will be able to become a programmer in a fairly short time, very quickly learn new programming languages, and increase your skill from junior level to middle and senior.
PS In the near future we will post on our channel a course on start-ups and business from Stanford University with leading lecturers who have created companies such as PayPal, Facebook, WhatsApp, Airbnb, Pinterest, Xerox, etc.