Colloquiums at the Faculty of Yandex at HSE: molecular biology

    On June 20, acceptance of documents began at the Faculty of Computer Science, which last year with the participation of Yandex was opened at the Higher School of Economics. There were so many people who wanted to study on it that the number of budget places was then doubled. As a result, 320 people entered the first year.

    In addition to classes for students, the faculty has special seminars that everyone can attend. They are held within the framework of the HSE Colloquium of the Faculty of Computer Science. The seminars are conducted by scientists not only from HSE, but from other universities and research centers - Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Institute of Mathematics and Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MIT, Microsoft Research, Yandex School of Data Analysis. Not only a student or an employee of the FCS, but anyone who wants to, can come to listen to them. From today, we will begin to publish records of selected performances.

    The first seminar we chose was conducted by the famous Russian bioinformatics Mikhail Gelfand . From it you will learn about the basic information processes that occur in the cell during the implementation of the genomic program. As Mikhail Sergeyevich himself said, the report was conceived as a “crash course in molecular biology for those colleagues who want to understand what biologists do and what bioinformatics are talking about.”

    Find all past colloquia here . You can also sign up for future classes by the same link when the new school year begins.

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