What kind of beast deployd and why you can love it with the first click

Original author: Deployd
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My 5 cents
I’m still a very novice web developer - as I understand it myself, although I know javascript pretty well, I use (more precisely, dabble) different frameworks like bootstrap, jQuery, Webix, sniff for Node.js and NoSQL databases, try different options for bundles of storage services data outside the machine (Firebase), but here’s how to start, do something your own, and not stupidly repeat different versions-versions of ToDo-shek, as it didn’t work.
I eat bread from another area, so all this is a hobby for me, although I like to program in C # and VB and there are a couple of projects that have been successfully implemented and I have different ideas that I could do, but somehow it lacked that magic kick into the loin to take the first step - and just the other day I discovered DEPLOYD!

Since I did not find a mention on Deployd on Habrahabr, I hasten to fill this gap with a small translation from the official website, in the hope that for someone it will also be useful to learn about such a simple and reliable tool that can easily be used not only by beginners ( like me), but also serious uncles. So meet!

Deployd is the easiest way to create your own API.

It’s just just two ... well, in general, you’ll understand everything:

1. No boiler plates.
Just one command, you can launch your API. This is an absolutely empty container, which is just waiting for you so that you fill it with resources. Works out of the box - an additional code is optional.

2. Resources
The Deployd API implies the use of a ready-to-use Collection as a resource that can be easily set and defined through the integrated control panel.

3. Control Panel
Add and manage your API resources through the intuitive web interface of the control panel.

4. Deployment in 1 step

When the time comes to deploy your application, you can deploy it yourself to any service that supports Node.js and MongoDB.

It sounds nice, but what's under the hood? And let's take a look:

There is an installer for IAC and for Windows, and source codes are also attached with a link to the github.

Installation under Windows came down to clicking NEXT, NEXT, OK, OK, no bars or other integrated shnyaga in the installer,
you can check what is installed, you can use a simple command from the command line:
dpd -V In response, it will return something like: 0.8.0 (I tried to upgrade to 0.8.4, but there something is not ready yet - access to the mongo flies)

Create your first project it’s like sending 2 bytes:
dpd create my-app

for those who want to use under a clean Node.js there is a package in the same way:
npm install deployd -g

For those who like to do everything by fan, it is possible to greet the world as usual:
dpd create hello-world
cd hello-world
dpd -d

After which, in the directory where the console indicated at the time of launch, a hello-world folder will be created and after that her team before you open the world of beautyyour default browser window with the direction to the control panel:

From the drop-down list near Resources, select Create a new collection and give it a name / things

set the name property - case sensitive! Unfortunately, it doesn’t support the Cyrillic alphabet, but fortunately, by the
way, many pages in the control panel have their own hot keys.

Now add some data to your collection by opening the date editor and in the window that opens, double-click in the input box next to the asterisk. Type “foo”, enter, “bat”, enter, “baz”, enter.

It should look similar to you:


By clicking on the API menu you can see all the available methods for accessing your collection. If you open localhost: 2403 / things in the browser, you will see the following JSON:

Now in your browser, open localhost : 2403 and call the console. Try the following:

dpd.things.get({$limit: 1}, console.log);
dpd.things.get({name: 'foo'}, console.log);

In response, you will see something similar to:


How and what actually happens “live”, you can watch the video from the creators, which shows the creation of a small application, I’ll duplicate it here:

The video tag doesn’t work for some reason, try looking at the link .

The documentation also provides an example of creating an application for the conclusion of comments, due to its mediocrity and simplicity, I decided that it is too simple and uninteresting to disassemble it in detail in the framework of this article. Deployedapp.com

is also expected to launch soon, which promises a platform for hosting its created APIs by name.

I hope you liked the software and intrigued it and I rushed to create more than one API using it, at least I hope so.

All the best and see you soon!

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