IBM survey: analytics for managing business processes in your company

    IBM has repeatedly published articles on managing business processes and tools for working with analytical tools that provide an objective picture of the company's development.

    IBM is currently working on collecting information to conduct a full-fledged study (annual) of the IBM Institute for Business Value. This year, the corporation pays particular attention to the tools necessary to transform Big Data into structured information that gives any company a competitive advantage. Who owns the information - that owns the world. Well, or at least your business sector.

    The study is designed to understand how various organizations and their departments use data and analytics to manage business processes. To this end, IBM conducts a survey among representatives of various companies and organizations around the world, and invites community members on Habrahabr to express their opinion by participating in an online survey., Which takes no more than 20 minutes.

    Based on the results of the study, an IBM Institute for Business Value Survey 2014 report will be prepared. All survey participants, if desired, may be the first to receive a copy of the IBM report.

    The survey itself is conducted here .

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