How do WMS systems typically deliver order picking?

    From the answers to user questions, this post was born. Please do not judge strictly. This information serves more to generalize known information than to acquire world fame by its author.

    So, the

    process of picking deliveries on orders is very dependent on the company's business processes. For large orders (or several packages), there is a practice:

    An order is selected and placed in the cells of the shipment zone.

    Route planned. The document “Route sheet” (ML) for the vehicle (TS) is created. It is determined which orders fall into it and in what sequence.

    For orders included in the ML, a loading task is created (loading control in the vehicle), the storekeeper selects the package for the order and places it in the vehicle.

    There is a practice of delivering a large number of small orders to customers by one vehicle. This practice is often used in distribution centers of large wholesale and retail companies. In this case, the vehicle can carry cargo to several points (for example, to 5 points), 20 packages are placed in the vehicle, more than 100 orders are in the packages. In this case:

    1. Orders are selected at the warehouse.

    2. Orders pass control. At the end of the inspection, they are placed in the packages planned for delivery (pre-prepared boxes, containers, etc., having the corresponding unique identification). When placed in packages (GM), the condition is controlled: all orders of this GM are transported to one point.

    3. At the end of the assembly, the dispatcher plans the vehicle, for this he uses the following information:

    3.1. List of orders to be delivered (Delivery point, Weight, volume, additional parameters (priority, etc.).)

    3.2. Pool of vehicles available for delivery (dimensions, carrying capacity, permits to move around the city zones, etc.)

    3.3. Route (order of detour of delivery points).

    4. Having planned the vehicle, the system creates loading tasks that allow:

    4.1. Determine which GM should be immersed in TS

    4.2. The order of loading the GM in the vehicle (reverse unloading at the points of delivery).

    4.3. Printing of accompanying documents.

    There are also hybrid circuits, but all of them partially reflect what was described above.

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