How to block IP addresses through ufw

    The article describes how to block specific IP addresses through ufw.

    UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) is a standard iptables firewall utility for Ubuntu Linux. It uses a command line interface consisting of a small number of simple commands. UFW is a convenient way to create a basic IPv4 or IPv6 firewall to protect the server.

    Block specific IP addresses through ufw


    sudo ufw deny from {ip-address-here} to any

    To block or close all packets with, enter:

    sudo ufw deny from to any

    We show the status of the firewall including the rules. To check recently added rules, enter:

    $ sudo ufw status numbered


    $ sudo ufw status

    Block specific IP and port numbers through ufw


    ufw deny from {ip-address-here} to any port {port-number-here}

    To block or close the "spam" IP addresses of port 80, enter:

    sudo ufw deny from to any port 80

    We check again using the following command:

    $ sudo ufw status numbered


    Closing certain IP, port and protocol numbers through ufw


    sudo ufw deny proto {tcp|udp} from {ip-address-here} to any port {port-number-here}

    For example, blocking malicious IP addresses tcp port 22, enter:

    $ sudo ufw deny proto tcp from to any port 22
    $ sudo ufw status numbered

    Subnet lock via ufw. The syntax is the same:

    $ sudo ufw deny proto tcp from sub/net to any port 22
    $ sudo ufw deny proto tcp from to any port 22

    How to remove blocking and unlock IP addresses


    $ sudo ufw status numbered
    $ sudo ufw delete NUM

    To remove rule # 4, enter:

    $ sudo ufw delete 4


     deny from to any port 80
    Proceed with operation (y|n)? y
    Rule deleted

    Hint: UFW NOT blocking the IP address

    In order to avoid unnecessary problems with unnecessary blocking, you need to change the / etc / ufw / before.rules file and add the section “Block an IP Address” after “# End required lines”.

    $ sudo vi /etc/ufw/before.rules

    # End required lines

    Add your rule for block against spam or hackers:

    Save and close the file. And - reload the firewall:

    $ sudo ufw reload

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