Version 1.0 of the Socket.IO Library Released

    On May 28, the library for creating real-time applications on Node.js Socket.IO has grown to version 1.0. Socket.IO arose almost immediately after the advent of Node.js and quickly became one of the most popular and sought-after Node ecosystem projects. Socket.IO implements server and client communication in real time using Web Sockets, and in the absence of this API in older browsers emulates sockets using other available technologies - Adobe Flash sockets, AJAX or JSONP requests.

    In version 1.0, the logic of the library and the low-level engine that implements communication in older browsers are finally separated. Now all the code associated with this task is compiled in a separate Engine.IO module. Thanks to this, the Socket.IO code has become smaller and cleaner, the addition of new modes of transport has been simplified, and if the developer decided to rely only on Web Sockets, then Engine.IO can be omitted altogether.

    Socket.IO now supports binary data streams, and does it more flexible than the Web Sockets - types Buffer, Blob, ArrayBufferand even Filemay be included in the transmitted data structures. In the original web sockets, you can only specify the mode of use of the socket - binary or symbolic.

    Other changes include an improved testing infrastructure, improved scaling of Socket.IO applications, integration with applications written in languages ​​other than JavaScript, improved debugging tools, changes to the API towards simplification and unification. All the differences in version 1.0 are described in more detail in the article on the project’s blog dedicated to the release.

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