Durov sold a stake in VK due to friction with the FSB

    imageIf you follow the events taking place around VK, then remember that in January Durov sold his stake in VKontakte . As the hero of the post assured himself today, he had to do this:

    “On December 13, 2013, the FSB demanded that we give out personal data of the organizers of Euromaidan groups. Our answer was and remains a categorical refusal - the jurisdiction of Russia does not apply to Ukrainian users of VKontakte. The issuance of personal data of Ukrainians to the Russian authorities would be not only a violation of the law, but also a betrayal of all those millions of Ukrainians who trusted us.

    In the process, I had to sacrifice a lot. In particular, I sold my share on VKontakte, since its presence could prevent me from making the right decisions. But I have no regrets - protecting people's personal data is worth it and much more. Since December 2013, I have not owned property, but I have something more important left - a clear conscience and ideals that I am ready to defend, ” Durov said on his web page (document p. 1 , p. 2 ).

    And at the same time he announced that he did not agree to block the Rospil group as well .

    In my opinion, well done. True, I believe that the FSB had other methods of obtaining such information.

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