What do IT people really dream of?


    Congratulations to Habr with the beginning of the work week.
    As an offtopic, from a closet, I decided to create a survey about our dreams. I hope you all had a good rest this weekend.


    The other day, I noticed that lately I have dreams, where I participate in some first-person shooter. And here is the detail - for the first time in my life I dreamed of a detail from a PC. I’m standing, therefore, at the foot of some ancient ruin, the action takes place on a distant planet, the landing of the opposing team is already coming (we are holding some point in ruins, obviously). And I? I stand with the keyboard turned off in my hands and try to switch weapons. I press Tab . Nothing.

    Under the cut several polls, I would be very interested to know the results of the answer from IT specialists.

    Intro 2

    I remembered another interesting case from a recent dream - with the participation of the mouse wheel. Of course, there was no mouse and the indication of current weapons was in my palm. But to control it was enough to scroll the imaginary wheel with a finger in the air.

    Where did I dare to conclude - we IT specialists work with a computer at a level when the brain does not pay attention to the screen (like glass + cursor), peripherals, and even more so to iron. For our brain, the computer is absent in principle, we see only the consequences.
    Why couldn't I switch weapons? Because I have never in my life really switched weapons, for the brain it remains to "press a key on the keyboard." And now I'm standing on the ruins, switching weapons ... But it does not switch - there is no keyboard. I look at my own hands - a keyboard appears in them, here is a key on it, but nothing happens. Only in a dream can we truly see what remains in the head and what does not.

    I urge you to think for a moment about your colorful dreams, thereby approaching the knowledge of your mind. In the comments you can discuss your beautiful moments.

    PS The author of the post is a stubborn developer sitting for 12 hours writing code, but does not have a permanent job, as a student. Apparently, that's why I have never once seen a code in a dream.

    Only registered users can participate in the survey. Please come in.

    Do you remember a few dreams (3+ cases) involving

    • 34.4% PC / Laptop Display 364
    • 16.2% I / O Devices 172
    • 19.2% Console 203
    • 21.2% GUI OS 224
    • 45.2% Code / IDE 478
    • 14% Notifications (mail / chat / ...) 148
    • 65.7% Games (FPS / RPG / ...) 694

    Do you remember a few dreams (3+ cases) in this setting

    • 58.9% Indoor (+ artificial light) 672
    • 70.5% Ordinary city 803
    • 48% Fantasy World / Another planet 547
    • 17.8% Outer Space 203
    • 22.4% Dungeon / Cave 256
    • 32.9% Antiutopia 375

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