HP Lab at British Graduate School of Design

    On November 1, a new laboratory class was opened at the British Higher School of Design in Moscow, on the basis of which HP and the School will regularly conduct free workshops and presentations on the modern practice of digital art and design. Specialists from nVidia and Autodesk are already preparing their events for the new class.

    And anyone can also work in the Laboratory for free on their projects and communicate with the staff of the School. Already, the class is equipped with several HP Z400 workstations with Xeons and Quadro FX on board, as well as professional software.

    HP Digital Lab at BWSD

    For many years, HP has been actively collaborating with studios, galleries, universities, colleges and prominent professionals in the field of art and design. In my opinion, the purpose of this communication, in addition to the understandable desire of the business to listen to the consumers of their products, is to be able to touch the inexhaustible reserves of creative energy and inspiration that roam in creative circles.

    And if this is done all over the world, then in Russia, where interest in professional design still catastrophically does not correspond to its potential, it would be simply criminal not to use any opportunity to make this topic more popular. Therefore, this HP project and BWHS (oh, I desperately like their site !) Seems categorically necessary and useful to me.

    HP Digital Lab at BWSD

    If you have the time and desire to see the Laboratory with your own eyes, then you can come to the School any working Monday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. It is best to call in advance and warn about your visit, but you can sign up right at the reception. You need to take a passport with you. All contacts and the address of the School can be found here: www.britishdesign.ru/content/contacts_rus

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