Responsive images: CSS techniques that help save time

Original author: Adrien Zaganelli
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If you are engaged in web development, then there is a high probability that you know two monsters, which will be discussed in the article, the translation of which we are publishing today. We are talking about images and deadlines. Sometimes, for some reason, the pictures do not want to be placed in those places of the page layouts that are intended for them, and you can not spend a few hours trying to figure it out. The author of this material says that he often encountered a similar problem, and these collisions taught him something. Here he wants to talk about the five approaches to managing the size of images that he likes most.

Approach # 1: background-image

Friday. Five o'clock in the evening. You need to urgently finish a certain page. Everything is ready, the problem is only in the pictures, which can not be placed where they should be. If this happened to you - here is one magic tool that will help you out:

.myImg {
  background-image: url("my-image.png");
  background-size: cover;

Looks familiar? We all did it once. Did this make you think about fraud?

The use of properties is backgroundvery useful, they just do what is expected of them. However, it should be remembered that they should be used only for those images that are not part of the main content of the page, for images that replace text, and in some special cases .

Approach # 2: object-fit

What if I say the property object-fitapplies to elements <img>? It, by the way, works with video.

.myImg {
  object-fit: cover;
  width: 320px;
  height: 180px;

That's all. Note that the property object-fitcan be assigned a value contain.

▍About object-fit support

Unfortunately, object-fitit will not work in IE and in older versions of Safari, however, there is a polyfill for such cases .

Here are the details of the support for this feature, taken from here .

Object-fit support for desktop browsers

Here is an example of using object-fit

Approach # 3: The Way Netflix Uses

What we have just talked about may seem interesting, but in older browsers, without polyfills, it will not work. If you need something universal, perhaps, what we are going to talk about now will suit you. This method, one of my favorites, works everywhere.

It lies in the fact that the image must be placed in the parent element whose property positionis set to a value relative, and the property paddingis set as a percentage. As a result, the image will occupy the entire free area of ​​the parent element. It looks like this:

.wrapper {
  position: relative;
  padding-top: 56.25%; /* 16:9 Aspect Ratio */
img {
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: auto;

Here you might think that it is too difficult. However, after you understand the meaning of this technique, you realize that it is very simple and convenient. In addition, this technique is widely used , for example, in Netflix.

Take a look at the class names

Here is an example of the implementation of this technique

Approach # 4: height

Here, the property is used to control the size of the image height: auto, and, moreover, the property max-width. It is possible that this technique is already familiar to you:

img {
  height: auto;
  width: 100%;
/* свойство max-width, позволит лучше контролировать изображение */
  max-width: 720px;

This approach is applicable in most cases, when your layout is not too complicated.

Here is an example

Approach # 5: Image Management and Performance

By “performance”, I understand the page load time. A large image can load for a very long time, which will give the user the impression that your pages are slow, especially if they are viewed on mobile devices.

Do you know that in modern browsers you can change the source of the image depending on the width of the page? It is for this that the attribute exists srcset.

Similar attributes can be used in the HTML 5 tag . В том случае, если браузер эту технологию не поддерживает, здесь предусмотрен запасной вариант с использованием тега <img>:

  <sourcemedia="(max-width: 799px)"srcset="elva-480w.jpg">
  <sourcemedia="(min-width: 800px)"srcset="elva-800w.jpg">

Here is an example


Let's sum up:

  • If your image is not part of the page content - use background-image.
  • If IE support does not interest you - use object-fit.
  • Container technology with a specially configured property paddingused by Netflix works everywhere.
  • In most cases, to solve the problem with pictures, it is enough to use the property in the CSS height: auto;
  • If you want to reduce page load times, use the attribute srcsetto download smaller images on mobile devices.

We hope that the approaches to working with images discussed here will be useful to you.

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