GeekUniversity opens recruitment to the faculty of artificial intelligence

    In our online university for programmers opened a new faculty of artificial intelligence. Students in just one and a half years will be able to go from a beginner to a programmer-researcher (data scientist) of the level of middle. GeekUniversity is a joint educational project of Mail.Ru Group and GeekBrains with guaranteed employment.

    Anyone can enter the GeekUniversity. Applicants must complete an online test of basic Python programming knowledge. For those who do not cope with the test, there are preparatory courses. There they will be able to get the missing knowledge. The program is designed for 550 academic hours. Classes will take two to four lessons per week. Education is paid. Graduates will be issued a certificate confirming the acquired qualifications.

    Students will gain skills in solving real business problems from the daily practice of large companies. The course includes a program in higher mathematics, focused on practical application: students will learn mathematical analysis, linear algebra, probability theory and mathematical statistics. In addition, they will learn everything they need about machine learning technologies and neural networks, familiarize themselves with Python libraries for artificial intelligence, learn how to write “clean” code, gain architecture design skills, apply templates, and acquire other knowledge that will be needed for large-scale employment. IT company.

    We are improving learning every day, helping our students with employment, and we are pleased to invite graduates to work. Leading Russian technology companies are participating in the development and conduct of training. You are waiting for electives from:

    • FIX. Convolutional neural networks in computer vision . Introduction to convolutional neural networks. The main components of convolutional architectures. Influence of architecture parameters on neural network properties.
    • Mail.Ru Group. Matrix factorization . Algorithms based on matrix factorization: SVD, SVD ++, ALS, factorization machines, LDA.
    • Megaphone. Faculty for machine learning .

    Faculty graduates will be able to work in areas related to machine learning, artificial intelligence, the development of neural networks and big data analysis.

    The program also includes a course for preparing for an IT interview. Each student is assigned a curator-mentor - a specialist in the field of artificial intelligence, who can quickly answer questions.

    The beginning of the preparatory year: September 3 , September 27 . Starting the faculty: November 6th .

    Leave an application and get detailed advice here .

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