Apple became the first # 1 mobile phone supplier in the US


    According to a recent Strategy Analytics study, mobile phone shipments in the US for the fourth quarter of 2012 reached 52 million units, with Apple first breaking ahead of the rest, becoming number one supplier and capturing 34 percent of the entire market.

    In this competition, the company was ahead of Samsung: from a Strategy Analytics report, Apple sold 17.7 million iPhones in a quarter. In second place is Samsung with a figure of 16.8 million devices sold, in third is LG with 4.7 million over the same period.

    Note that this is not about smartphones, but about phones - this is the area in which Samsung has been leading in the United States for five whole years. In this quarter, Apple owns a little more than every third phone sold, and this is a rather unexpected fact - after all, Samsung and LG, unlike Apple, have a much wider range of phones and inexpensive smartphones.

    The agency’s executive director adds that Samsung is likely to regain leadership in 2013, when the Galaxy S4 appears on the market, about which new rumors appear.

    The original press release is available here .

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