How to buy on the Internet and not get into the network of scammers?
The bank card market in Russia is quite young. Over a long period of time, most of the "plastic" cards issued by Russian banks were the so-called "salary" cards issued jointly with organizations and enterprises. According to experts of such cards in the country about 95% of the total. Recently, there has been an increase in the issue of credit cards with a renewable credit line, which allows us to speak not only about an increase in demand for bank cards in general, but also about the development of the entire banking sector. Due to the increase in the number of cards, the number of fraudulent transactions using them also increases. In total, in 2011, according to various estimates, $ 9 billion was stolen from card accounts. In Russia, more than 2.3 billion rubles were unauthorized in 2011 from bank card accounts. At the same time, the amount of the average fraudulent operation on the Internet amounted to 6 thousand rubles. In general, the most risky segment in the world in which the majority of illegal operations with bank cards is committed is the Internet. In Russia, these are fraudulent transactions in POS terminals used for retail purchase of goods (58% of the total number of fraudulent transactions using bank cards), ATMs (40%), and the Internet closes this “rating” (2%).
Judging by world practice and the growth of electronic commerce in Russia (an increase of 30% per year), the percentage of illegal transactions using plastic cards on the Internet can increase significantly. How to protect your money when paying online?

At the moment, most online stores in Russia carry out online acquiring of bank cards (payment by credit card on the Internet) in cooperation with integrator companies that accumulate a number of payment systems, both international (Visa and MasterCard), and Russian (electronic wallets: Yandex.Money, QIWI, Money@Mail.ru, QIWI, mobile payments and payment by means of terminals).
Few Russian companies offering these services can boast of international experience, and only one - a significant share of the e-commerce market in Europe. PayU - an international payment integrator that processes electronic payments of online shoppers, is one of the market leaders in Eastern Europe.
Aggregators and banks that provide Internet acquiring services serve as a system for protecting online store customers from fraudulent transactions. The security system should include the identification of the payer using the latest systems, for example 3D Secure, which allows using the SMS notification to confirm the identity of the buyer. This allows you to prevent the purchase using a stolen bank card.
All operations must go through customizable filters and an anti-fraud monitoring system, if available, the specialist of the payment integrator company will manually check for the correspondence of the completed fields with real information and, if necessary, request documentary confirmation from the buyer (for example, passport scan). Unfortunately, today many companies offering electronic payment processing services to online stores do not have this system. This leads to the fact that fraudsters can use the cardholder’s data for purchases on the Internet until the cardholder himself notices this. PayU, possessing an anti-fraud monitoring system, over the past two years has reduced the number of fraudulent transactions using bank cards on the Internet to 0.02% in Poland.
The entire process of transferring the buyer’s confidential data from the online store to the payment system should be carried out using the latest data encryption protocol, which minimizes the possibility of intercepting the personal information of the bank card holder and using it for illegal purposes. To protect customers, PayU transmits all the cardholder’s personal information via SSL EV (Extended Validation Secure Sockets Layer) protocol, which is the latest solution in this area.
To prevent situations associated with fraudulent activities, it is worthwhile to be more careful not only in choosing an online store, but also taking into account the reputation of its partners who make online payments. If you become a victim of Internet fraud, you must contact the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia - Office "K", which carries out the fight against crimes in the field of information technology.
Judging by world practice and the growth of electronic commerce in Russia (an increase of 30% per year), the percentage of illegal transactions using plastic cards on the Internet can increase significantly. How to protect your money when paying online?

At the moment, most online stores in Russia carry out online acquiring of bank cards (payment by credit card on the Internet) in cooperation with integrator companies that accumulate a number of payment systems, both international (Visa and MasterCard), and Russian (electronic wallets: Yandex.Money, QIWI, Money@Mail.ru, QIWI, mobile payments and payment by means of terminals).
Few Russian companies offering these services can boast of international experience, and only one - a significant share of the e-commerce market in Europe. PayU - an international payment integrator that processes electronic payments of online shoppers, is one of the market leaders in Eastern Europe.
Aggregators and banks that provide Internet acquiring services serve as a system for protecting online store customers from fraudulent transactions. The security system should include the identification of the payer using the latest systems, for example 3D Secure, which allows using the SMS notification to confirm the identity of the buyer. This allows you to prevent the purchase using a stolen bank card.
All operations must go through customizable filters and an anti-fraud monitoring system, if available, the specialist of the payment integrator company will manually check for the correspondence of the completed fields with real information and, if necessary, request documentary confirmation from the buyer (for example, passport scan). Unfortunately, today many companies offering electronic payment processing services to online stores do not have this system. This leads to the fact that fraudsters can use the cardholder’s data for purchases on the Internet until the cardholder himself notices this. PayU, possessing an anti-fraud monitoring system, over the past two years has reduced the number of fraudulent transactions using bank cards on the Internet to 0.02% in Poland.
The entire process of transferring the buyer’s confidential data from the online store to the payment system should be carried out using the latest data encryption protocol, which minimizes the possibility of intercepting the personal information of the bank card holder and using it for illegal purposes. To protect customers, PayU transmits all the cardholder’s personal information via SSL EV (Extended Validation Secure Sockets Layer) protocol, which is the latest solution in this area.
To prevent situations associated with fraudulent activities, it is worthwhile to be more careful not only in choosing an online store, but also taking into account the reputation of its partners who make online payments. If you become a victim of Internet fraud, you must contact the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia - Office "K", which carries out the fight against crimes in the field of information technology.