NaVidu - a resource that helps to interact with the world


    I want to introduce you to a project called Navidu ( ). More precisely, it will be a certain review, although not of all its capabilities, but only the main ones at the moment.


    As you noticed in the heading, it is said that this is a resource that helps to interact with the world and most likely asked the question, how does it help to interact and with what other world? Answers to these questions will be received during the reading of this article.
    After registering, each user receives his own page and the ability to create pages of cities, public institutions (places), shops and, of course, interest groups (much without them).

    Project objectives

    We want to unite the inhabitants of each city and collect a database of cities with photographs from the inhabitants of these cities, so to speak, in the first person, which in the future will give people the opportunity to "visit" various cities in many countries of the world. In these cities, residents can add not only photos, but also vacancies, announcements, gifts, finds and, of course, post a dating profile. Each city will acquire its own page on the Internet, on which it will be possible to notify its residents and even guests about any events or news.

    Fig. 1. A snapshot of the page of Nizhny Novgorod. (

    Also on the site there is the opportunity to create pages of public places where you can leave reviews, as well as add photos of the interior. After that, it will be possible to choose places of recreation and entertainment, according to reviews and interior. Some of the pages of places will be displayed on the main page of the city.

    The pages of cities and places can be specified as visited by you, thereby they will be displayed in the sections "Cities" and "Places" which will provide quick access to the pages of cities and places you need.

    Store pages are also an important part of the project. By creating a store page, you can create storefronts in which you can upload photos of goods with a description and price.

    Well, the most important task for this project is to introduce the capabilities of the "Delivery" service, which is available at the pages of places and shops.
    Service "Delivery" enables people to place an order for home delivery in pizzerias, sushi bars and other institutions. That is, the user goes to the page of the QWE Pizzeria pizzeria and goes to the delivery section, where there is a table menu in which he can select the pizza he needs by description or appearance (it is possible to attach an image to each product) and then indicates the address where deliver order and phone number just in case.
    The delivery operator, who is located in QWE Pizzeria, using a special program, receives the user’s order within a minute, prints it out, and delivers the order to the address indicated by the customer.

    Pages of cities, places, shops can be created by any registered user.

    Free advertising for places, shops, and interest groups pages.

    If you are the owner of a place or store page and have implemented a delivery order using the "Delivery" service, then your page will be advertised to all users who indicate the city in which your place or store is located.
    Interest groups are always advertised to all users if she does not have a city. If the city is specified, then it will be advertised only to those users who have the same city as the group.
    Now this advertisement is free and most likely it will always be free.

    Who is this site for?

    For owners of public institutions and stores who want to ensure the relationship with their customers. Notify them of discounts, events and other information.
    For residents of smaller cities and towns who want to keep abreast of the events of their city, interact with residents, share all kinds of information and much more.
    For people who want to choose a place of rest and entertainment on the interior, reviews, and not only in their city.
    For people who believe that the phone is the last century and now everything needs to be done using the Internet. For example, order delivery of products, goods to your home.
    For people who want to pick up a thing on the Internet, and then just go where you need it and purchase it or even order home delivery.
    For lovers of social networks and communication on the Internet. Since Navidu has all the capabilities of a modern social network.

    Services implemented

    Users have 18 services. Among them are “Polls”, “Internet”, “Announcements”, “Gifts”, “Publications”, “Library”.
    City pages are equipped with 2 services.
    Interest group pages have 6 services.
    Place pages have 4 services. Among them are “Delivery”, “Offers”.
    For stores, 3 services have been implemented. Among them are "Delivery", "Showcase".


    At the moment, there are only two of us and both programmers are fortunately in different areas, but such a resource requires other specialists who are not yet available. All interested enthusiasts to participate, please write by e-mail, and do not forget to write a little about your skills, and how you can help this project. The deployment will be in Nizhny Novgorod.

    Future plans

    1. Assemble a team;
    2. Attract pizzerias, sushi bars and other places for the implementation of the “Delivery” service;
    3. Find an investor.

    At the end ...

    I would really appreciate your informed feedback and comments.

    E-mail for suggestions, wishes, etc.:

    P. S. In the future, we will talk about all the innovations on the hub

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