High Technologies in Active Cloud

    I will not write much, briefly and in essence.
    For several months now, from time to time I use the services of cloud hosting activecloud.ru.
    So, never before has it been so that payment has passed automatically and without problems. Each time they have to call and deal with the payment. So today I paid them money through a card, Assist reported that everything is OK, I received an email from him with confirmation of payment, but ... There is no payment in active cloud. They can’t turn on the service for the day to me even though there are almost 300 re on the balance sheet, but they do not have the technical ability, and the managers who will be available only tomorrow afternoon, or even on Monday ???

    In general, think a few times before contacting this hosting provider.

    UDP: There wasn’t enough karma to place right away in the thematic section, that's why I stand it now.

    UDP2: We must pay tribute, the guys monitor Habrahabr and immediately get in touch and try to make amends as much as possible. But this is Monday (because managers work only on weekdays), that is, two days later. Two days off lost ...

    UPD3: They managed to make amends before me and compensate for moral damage. Plus for an individual approach

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