More details from the Google Analytics Site Load Speed ​​report.

    Most recently, GA developers reported an improvement in the "Site Load Speed" report . Namely, it added more useful metrics that will help improve site performance.

    A new set of metrics is available in the “Technical Specifications” section in each of the tabs of the “Site Loading Speed” report ( Research, Efficiency, Overlaying Data on a Map ).



    What are these new metrics and how can they be useful?
    The “Technical Specifications” section of the Research” and “Overlay Data on a Map” tabs contains detailed information about network and server metrics. Performance TabShows a summary of these metrics. These network and server metrics are one of the components of Wed. page load time ; the other component is the page processing time by the browser, i.e. parsing and executing JavaScript, rendering a page and retrieving other resources (scripts / styles / images).

    In addition to Wed. page load time report, “Site loading speed” report shows the following network and server metrics in the “Specifications” section :

    • Average redirect time (sec.) - The time to redirect before receiving the page. If there are no redirects, then the metric shows 0
    • Average Domain Search Time (sec) - The average DNS lookup time for a page
    • Average server connection time (sec.) - the time a user needs to connect to your server
    • Average server response time (sec.) - time for your server to respond to a user request
    • Average page load time (sec.) - time to load a page

    If you notice that some metrics are more than expected, then it is worth checking the correct operation of the site and making changes to improve performance. For example, if you notice that the average domain search time is too long, then you should change the DNS provider (hosting).

    The following is a list of tips to help improve site performance if any of the metrics is too large:
    • Long redirection time - analyze the need for redirects. Check the sources to search for specific referees that cause large redirect delays.
    • A large domain search time is to change the DNS provider (hosting) for one that provides less latency
    • Long server response time - reduce backend processing time or mark the server closer to users (territorially)
    • Long page load time - reduce the size of the transmitted data

    Looking for additional features to speed up the site? You can see the effectiveness of your site together by geo-data and browser. Perhaps your pages should be optimized for a specific country or browser. To do this, go to the tab “Overlay data on the map” to get an idea by region and add “Browser” as a second indicator.

    News in the official Google Analytics blog: Greater insights from the Site Speed ​​report - Technical section
    Read more about the report here: Site Speed ​​report

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