Habra informer

As a result, I got a program on QT, which performs all this.
Download the finished “application” file for linux (after downloading to the binary, don’t forget to set the execution rights) or windows - run the program, minimize it to the tray and do your own business as soon as the tray icon changes, open the program and see what changes were received , if you click something interesting -> you get to the Habr in the article.
Download the app for Windows (Archive packed library dependencies)
Download the application for Linux (compiled binary)
Download the application for the MAC OS the X (Laid AcidSlayer , to check it was not possible)
Download the source code

in Windows as it works, but pulls a library (libgcc_s_dw2 -1.dll, mingwm10.dll, QtCore4.dll, QtGuid4.dll, QtNetwork4.dll, QtXml4.dll).

So that KDE doesn’t open links like cache files, it is necessary in the settings -> default applications -> specify the browser with the key% U (firefox% U).
What is planned in the next series
There are a number of ideas for improving this program, and if I have free time, I will improve it.
- Create separate threads for: new topics, zababerny, sandbox, questions.
- Possibility of authorization: tracking private messages, tracking the tape, tracking new comments in selected topics.
I am very interested in advice from a user point of view, how would anyone be more comfortable using such a program.
PS I would be happy for any help and advice.
PSS Comrades, please do not scold me very much, because this is now an rss reader, I will try to change my opinion with program updates and will definitely take into account all your comments.