Messages on the actions of other users will appear in the twitter feed

    On Twitter, new notifications are coming soon.

    Twitter developers plan to change the user interface by splitting the existing @Mentions (@ Mentions) tab into two others: @USERNAME (your Twitter name) and “Activity” . Their appearance and structure can be seen in the screenshots above.

    @USERNAME will contain replies to your messages (i.e. what is now in @Mentions), plus some additional information. So, notifications about retweets of your posts, about adding them to your favorites, that someone has subscribed to your profile or added it to the list will appear here.

    Activity- A new tab with the same notifications, but not related to you, but to the people you read. So, you can quickly find out who your friends are following, what tweet they have added to your favorites, etc.

    This separation of notifications into 2 streams is somewhat reminiscent of the structure of the Instagram service. So far, the new feature is available only to a small number of users selected for testing. If everything is in order, in a few weeks it will be introduced for everyone else.

    The news about the appearance of such notifications is evaluated ambiguously: while some talk about their usefulness to users and the development of the service as a whole, others criticize twitter for a gradual departure from the usual minimalism.

    via TechCrunch

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